I'm getting this below error while doing a space import. May i know why this's happening? ERROR: insert or update on table "spacepermissions" violates foreign key constraint "f...
Can someone point me to how I can export all the Spaces I have on a Confluence Server so that I import them into a production Confluence Datacenter? I've looked under Backup & Restores, b...
Hi everybody, we use a database query to generate a list of our spaces and their associated space categories. This list contains two "hidden" categories in addition to the ones we have a...
Hi community! I'm trying to check browse-permissions (in Jira) and read-permissions (in Confluence) for specific user / group in all project / spaces. At the moment I have found only how to c...
Hi there. We have users that want to restrict their own personal space so that other users can only view/edit pages explicitly shared with them. Obviously, you can edit the page restrictions and g...
Hi, I want to use the Space Sync application but I have the doubt if the cost is for the number of people who use the tool or who are part of the team as such?
よくあるお問い合わせ Q. Confluence Server / Data Center を利用しています。confluence-administratorsグループユーザーでスペースエクスポートを HTML または PDF にてエクスポートを行った際に、出力されたエクスポートファイルに一部のページが含まれておりません。それらの一部のページは、サイドバーのページツリーにも表示され、クリック...
Where can I find the Space Category in the database?
We have a specific space that we can’t change permissions on - I have access to the permissions page and can edit them but when I click on “save changes” the button becomes gray and nothing h...
I exported a Confluence Space and I thought it's all god. Then I tried to import it to another organisation (I'm Admin) and I get this error: Special Characters found in Export Descriptor. Key: d...
Hey All, There is an issue I face with 'Space Template' I have created in my work space. Depending on which page my user was on when they clicked on three dots (...) next to 'Create' b...
Is there a way to see who deleted or set observers/viewers on a space / page / blog?
Hello I would like to know how to export all the spaces I have in confluence
...his and they checked the server and found that the high usage of the data drive is due to application data located on the directory below. Issue is that there is low disk space on the Data directory f...
My organization is looking to turn off the Custom Stylesheets for Spaces feature. Before doing this we'd like to see which Spaces are currently using it. Is there any place we can see this? &n...
How can I disable space blueprint? Ive already disabled all space blueprints from global templates and blueprints. This used to work before the UI changed. Previously the only option was blank space...
Hello. In my Confluence Cloud personal space was removed by wrong. How to restore it? I made a backup in advance (not export space, backup of all Confluence data) This file has a 6Gb size in zip f...
I am a new server admin for JIRA/Confluence. I looked at the articles on this issue from version 6 but I am seeing the issue in 7.19.4. The users are able to create spaces using the d...
I tried to export space, but the Export Progress was not working for a long time, so I tried to close the page and run it again to export only some spaces. However, there is an error continuing to o...
I initiated an export pages task in Confluence Cloud and accidentally closed the progress view window. I tried to initiate an export task once again only to be prompted with the message that an expo...
Hi all! I have a question about the visibility of the spaces. We want to share certain spaces with anonymous users and we have done so without any problem. However, when an anonymous user enters o...
...or each space. One team needed to continue updating pages in a particular Space, shared with several other teams. We did the export/import several weeks ago, thinking we could Export just that t...
Hello, I came across a problem that i cant edit a homepage of a space although the edit button is available. The Edit button is available as usual, but after clicking it nothing happens. I have a...
...dd-on , Secure Share Pages for Confluence Cloud by miniOrange that can help you replicate and share live Confluence spaces and pages with unlicensed users or external users while maintaining the h...
Hello Confluence enthusiasts, This is the final part of the Managing Confluence spaces. If you liked this 3 parts series and would like explore full content besides earning official badge with h...
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