Hi, We are upgrading our confluence from3.1 .2to 4.2.2 . After migrating we are facing one issue with tab structure using compostion. In 3.1, there was a heirarchy (tab has another set of 5 ta...
I installed the plugin on our Bamboo server (Bamboo version build 2719) and configured the IM Server in Bamboo. I'm able to send messages via testing the im server dialog. I added a task in o...
I am trying to configure the LDAP connection. In 'Administration' > 'Users' > 'User Directories' , under 'Server Settings' I need to supply a Username and pwd. I'm not familiar with Active D...
we set up jira on a windows server with the standard configuration. But all of the icons and avatars are broken links (empty placeholders). Further investigation revealed that the path for these i...
I download the confluence installer, atlassian-confluence-4.2.13-x64.bin, I changed it to executable with >chmod 777 atlassian-confluence-4.2.13-x64.bin, and when I run it with > ./atlassi...
...essage: The JIRA server could not be contacted. This may be a temporary glitch or the server may be down. I use the following downloaded versions under Linux: Jira 5.1.2, Greenhopper 6.0.1 Tested u...
Is there a possibility to sort the to spacetree by name? If not that would be a very useful extension.
Hello, after evaluating JIRA OnDemand for a month we decided to buy it but move it to a local server. I exported the data using the backup manager https://sitename.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/o...
I have a Jira 3.13.4 Standalone instance that has approximately 342K issues (in 180 projects) running as a service with a maximum memory setting of 1536MB. It is my understanding that this is the ma...
Hi, I am having trouble downloading a plug-in, it downloads as a zip file and I am unable to install it into our confluence. Would it be possible, if you guys can download the .jar, to mail it to m...
Is there a way to force a remote agent to run an application in the foreground on Windows? When I execute tasks on an agent it loads in the background.
Hi... I am trying to do the long put-off upgrade to confluence 4.2.8 from 3.4.9. One problem I have is that some macros are not being migrated to xhtml, even after the latest plugin is in place, an...
I've installed a remote agent as a Windows service and set the service to Log On as an admin user but when I run a job the agent uses the SYSTEM account. How do you configure the agent to use an ad...
I'm trying to create a web-based issue submission form outside of the JIRA UI (on another local server). I'm attempting to connect to the REST API use javascript and common AJAX methods. When I s...
Is there a way to have 2 remote agents on a single pc as Window services?
I'm getting this error when trying to attach ANY file to jira: Cannot attach file Screenshot from 2012-07-06 14:02:33.png: Unknown server error (500). I'm on Ubuntu Linux, tried using Chrome a...
...efore proceeding. Also, I've made some Tomcat server.xml changes within the application directory (to support running the app behind Apache), and I want to make sure those changes translate directly to t...
Should it be this location? atlassian-jira-enterprise-4.1.2-standalone\atlassian-jira\WEB-INF\lib or atlassian-jira-enterprise-4.1.2-standalone\plugins\installed-plugins I have tried installing J...
I get this error: SEVERE: Cannot start server. Server instance is not configured. I dont have a server.xml file in the /conf directory. I found just parts of the configuration, but I need the f...
In older versions, there was a noprint macro that you could use to encompass content that you didn't want to be included in a PDF export. This was helpful when you want to export multiple pages into ...
We have recently upgraded to confluence 4.2.1 We have CustomWare composition 3.0.2 We have a page that is not displaying the navigation tabs. I see this question in many places but do not see a...
...agically assigned to proper ticket in JIRA but it is not enforced. I understand there is plugins for Tortoise SVN to choose bug and do #close command, etc. What I want is server-side hook to JIRA. So c...
We are considering Jira (+greenhopper), initially, as a cloud managed solution. However, we may consider bringing the software and all its data (i.e. user stories, workflows, users etc) in house (l...
Hi, Can someone please suggest methods to, * After reaching a particular size of (eg. 100 MB) catalina.out, move it to a different disk and start over logging from a fresh file. * Automatically mo...
I would like to share the Tomcat binaries between JIRA and Crowd by setting up CATALINA_BASE for each. Is there any documentation on this? thanks
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