Hello, I am trying to write a JQL query to fetch the report for Request Assignment Group( Single Group Picker) field value change from one group name to any other group. I have tried, Project = "" ...
Hi, I have start Date and End date so how I can check holidays fall in between these two dates? How many holidays fall ? I have script runner plugin. How can I write script to find...
Hi all, I realized some problem and wanted to confirm if you can see this as well. I have setup a Service Desk test page, where I have added the following fields: - Priority - a select field ...
Confuence links are shown as "mentioned in" links in Jira issue. I want to restrict the workflow transition if the issue does not have "mentioned in" link with its issue key in the link. ...
...ustom) We are planning to send it via Scriptrunner job but we are not able to find a way to select this functionality (we could do it with BetterExcel templates but not with the native function) PS: We a...
Hi guys, I'm trying to do small but important thing for my team. ENV: Jira Cloud Project - Company managed Script runner Problem to solve: I need to block the possibility of creating a n...
Tempo and ScriptRunner are teaming up for a webinar on Wednesday, February 19th at 10am ET to help you revolutionize your integration strategy. With the average organization using more than 3...
...TC, regardless of who is viewing it and their local TZ. AFAIK, there is no way to achieve this without creating a new field type. Has anyone solved this problem? If so, how? We user scriptrunner...
We are conducting a huge Cleanup and have a large amount of either archived projects or projects with partly archived issues. I am looking for a Scriptrunner Script to delete all Issues (archived o...
I need to set the Field B mandatory in one of transition, if the value of Filed A is set to YES. Can this be achived by Validator ?
...efaultSaveContext.DEFAULT) log.info("Text replaced in page by Scriptrunner '${page.title}' in space '${targetSpace.name}'") } } I would like it to be able to change the background link to a hyperlink on a C...
When I try to create or update an Asset using the HAPI's setAttribute Add method, I noticed that it is creating the item but only sets the last attribute from the source field. Here's a snippet of t...
...elated to calculations in JXL where Hannes Obweger from JXL mentioned Scriptrunner as a possible solution that is used both internally at the company and by customers. I checked it out and it seems great b...
project = DMESP AND "Sponsor area" in (ADM, FIN) AND resolution in (Unresolved) AND "Initiative Link" in (issueFunction("project in ("PPM - PORTFOLIO") AND "Sponsor area" in (ADM, FIN) AND co...
Hello, I am using behaviors to hide specific issuetypes, i did the configuration (added a server side script to issuetype field in scriptrunner/behaviors) 1 week ago, it was working fine but now i...
Hey everyone! Hope I can get some help here. So I run this pretty simple script for my custom field. def commentsList = issue.fields?.comment?.comments def count = 0 def textToCheck = "w...
Hi, I would like to have groovy script to copy only start dates and target dates of the releases for one set of release from one project to other project? Releases are already available in ...
We decided to move a project from our Data Center Jira instance to cloud in a Jira Service Management instance and we would like to set the mentions in confluence also to the cloud instance project, ...
Hi Team, usually, I would go to the list of workflows page next click on View workflow next click on export as XML Is there any way to bulk this operation for all workflows?
Hi, I’m trying to configure dynamic multi-select Custom Picker field “Hyp. Mitre Techniques“. Values show by that field should depend on value from multi-select Custom Picker field “Hyp. Mitre Tacti...
Hi Team,, I am working on requirements to restrict subtasks for specific parent issue types. Will these cases fit the scenarios? I used this behavior to restrict the subtasks to parent tickets. h...
...loud as well as option to create addons for Atlassian products . Today we are using Scriptrunner on Jira DC only, and i was wondering if Forge can replace it, of course this would need a re-w...
Hi, We have Jira software Datacenter where users were linking one story to multiple project issues, to restrict that we have no option. So we developed a workaround, where we created a single issue...
...o some text? Or is the target status not known to ScriptRunner when evaluating the condition? I want to allow a condition only if the target status name is in a list of Strings, otherwise t...
I am looking to populate a scripted field with the number of stories resolved vs. the total number of stories so I can show on a Kanban Card (see image). The code I have works but I am only abl...
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