I'm I want to use the listener in script runner so that when a user updates the fixed version this triggers a transition that has a transition screen associated with it to force the user to enter in ...
Hi Community, I want to set the Name of Epic Name field to Feature Name in Jira Cloud. I am able to set names of system fields and other custom fields by using this scriptrunner...
Hi, I am new to scriptrunner for jira cloud, I cannot find many people said formField.setError("error message"). If the API doesn't exist anymore, is there alternative way to check value in field a...
I have to set the value for a cascading custom field where parent value depends on other custom field value. I used a Custom script post-function (ScriptRunner) but it doesen't work: // o...
Hi All, I am trying to set the "Original Estimate" field as read-only based on the issue type and a specific user group. I can correctly determine whether the logged-in user belongs to the group, bu...
Hello everyone, Im using bitbucket script runner and i need to use a API for checking default reviewers so im using an API request which demands my password. When giving the password in the scrip...
...o deal with some issues in time I learned that trial scriptrunner can determine whether users are dimission based on assignee status. Can I set up a regular check when the h...
I am building a listener that is meant to populate three fields on an issue's parent - total children, completed children, and percent complete. The script runs just fine if an issue's parent c...
Hi everyone, I have a ScriptRunner Script which is creating issues based on assets. My problem is that the asset text area field is formatted as an HTML: Therefore they're also being copied to I...
Hello Atlassian Community We use Tempo for time-tracking in a DC environment and got the requirement to set the billable hours field to zero for each worklog on issues with a specific componen...
Hello. I need to add a validator to an issue workflow that prevents a transition if a custom field "Start Date" is within a given range. The complexity comes in since this date rang...
...hat HTML elements "shared block" is as the example at the bottom of this comment. Can I use the confluence scriptrunner Macro editor to pull the content from inside, remove the macro and j...
...upon a workflow transition an audit is performed...(FYI transition a--> b is going to be a different audit than from b--> c..) My current implementation is a jira cloud scriptrunner listener t...
Hi guys, I'm trying to use this script, but I get an syntax error, even though I followed the recommended instructions (https://docs.adaptavist.com/sr4jc/latest/features/workflow-extensions/ji...
...bject Schema by hand. Scriptrunner- { "objectTypeId": XXXXX, "Attribute 1": "{{issue.key.jsonEncode}}", [This works] "Attribute 2": "{{issue.name...
...nd repeats the steps with no success Basically, what Im trying to show is that ScriptRunner (or Jira) somehow glitches here, my first thought was that the listener in question e...
I am looking for a script to display all the issues returned by the below JQL in a scripted paragraph field and, if possible, the result should be rendered inside the "Jira issues" macro. JQ...
...igh”, “Medium”, or “Low” : When either of those values change, we want ScriptRunner to update a “Confidence Level” text field based on the combination of Technical and Definition Certainty. R...
Hi all, I am trying to write a ScriptRunner listener to catch the UserCreatedEvent and add the new user to a Bitbucket group. I have tried: def adminService = C...
Hello all, I am trying to limit the Select list based on the results of a JQL search. The script I am starting with is below. I am using this in Scriptrunner Behaviours. I would like to replace t...
Looking for some guidance to help solve a grouping use case. We are looking to solve a Release Management scenario that involves using both component and fixVersion. Component are going to act lik...
So currently I'm working on a script to deep copy a project, but with own schemes for the copy. Now I ran into some problems with copying the IssueTypeScreenSchemes. I can add all entities from the ...
Hi, I want to reset the PR approvals when the sourceBranch is updated. Thought of doing it using the webhook "Source branch updated" event. I noticed that clicking on the button "Rebase" in a pull ...
Is it possible to update a field in a ticket in Jira Cloud without triggering an event? I remember that there was such an option in Scriptrunner on the server. Is there something similar in t...
Hello all, I need help in setting up a validation on Cascading drop-down custom field in a JIRA Data Center environment using ScriptRunner Behaviours. How to make a "child" part mandatory, but only i...
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