Goal is upon release x, release notes are generated and sent to a list of email recipients.
Hi, currently the process we follow for creating Release Notes is as follows: Manually copy the issues, the summary, and the additional details from Jira into Word. Rephrase the content in Word fo...
Hello, Does Jira cloud have the ability to create release notes? I'm going to Project settings and versions but I do not see create release note. I also do not see release notes in the left side pan...
We have had an issue with the release notes generation ever since we started using Jira many years ago. The HTML version of the notes are fine. However, we like to include a text file wit...
Suggestion: Make an easy-to-access hyperlink to the release notes for the current version of SoureTree (at this time The release archives does a great job at providing access to the relea...
Dear JIRA Team. I want to make release not with description. however i can'f find a any button to publish release note with my description like the attached screen shoot. How to handl...
Looking to modify the template to include components
Hi, FishEye 4.4.1, Revset-Report-Plugin 0.15, new Puppet-based setup made by our IT department. In an older version (FishEye 3.10.1) the release report based on the commit graph was generated with ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Developer Documentation: Creating a Custom Release Notes Template Containing Release Comments We are using atlassian hosted jira for us (company.jira.com)....
Hello I try to find a way to upload a velocity template on our JIRA cloud which is already configured for custom release notes. Since i don't found any advice for customing the release note template...
Is there a tool in JIRA cloud to generate release notes as there is in the Server product?
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Creating Release Notes Ask your question here...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Developer Documentation: Creating a Custom Release Notes Template Containing Release Comments Ask your question here...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Creating release notes how can I add attachment documentation to the project's release notes?
When importing from FogBugz Version 7.3.15 (DB 745, Build 2407) to JIRA 6.4.10, there seems to be no way to get the Release Notes from FogBugz-cases. I even tried to create a custom fi...
in JIRA 6.4.6 (upgraded from 6.3), if I click on release notes button I get the following 404 error The requested URL /jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa was not found on this server.
https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Creating+Release+Notes Following the above link, I can click the Release Note link to generate the release notes, but there is no 'Configure Releas...
For only one project, i don't know why but Jira Admin gets assigned when i switched to the issue state 'Release Note' (when Release Notes have to be updated). My workflow says that at the transitio...
I am following the procedure an how to create a custom release notes template. Link below. The documentation loses me at step number 2. Where am I suppose to copy and paste the code from section 2. H...
I am using Bamboo to build a small product for release. It currently builds everything using ant, and packs it into a zip file, who's name has the major-minor versions (taken from build.properties v...
Hello folks, Any trick to have show customfields with the {jiraissue} macro? I want to embed the "release notes" report into confluence, and the developers are using a custom field to store the err...
Hi, Im interested in publishing from a Confluence page the release notes of a jira project-version. I suppose that the release notes can be customized to (e.g.) show the description instead of the ...
We don't want to include the summary in release notes and don't want to add a custom field for release notes (unless there is some way to automatically populate it with SVN check in comments via Fish...
I'd like to see the description field in the release notes for Versions in GH. At present, it only shows the ID (as a link) and the Summary field with now obvious way to configure this apart from cho...
All I can get is a "forbidden" message when trying to fetch the release notes for 5.0.2 No Permission Skip to Recently Updated You cannot view this page Page level restr...
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