Can you believe it? Revoking pull request reviewer approvals when the pull request diff changes is not an out-of-the-box feature of your Bitbucket Datacenter installation! Thanks to the Atl...
...ncourage you to try configuring it yourself in our public demo stand. And make sure to reach out to us if you have questions! How to try Awesome Graphs for Free If any of the options s...
This feature update was also posted on the Bitbucket blog. By popular demand, we are happy to introduce several new strategies for syncing and merging branches in Bitbucket Cloud. Our goal is to p...
Welcome to the Developer's Edge video series. This series looks at Atlassian products and partner integrations through a developer lens, showing how an integrated toolchain can improve the developer ...
This feature update was also posted on the Bitbucket blog. Hello, Bitbucket Cloud Community! 👋 We are incredibly excited to announce the introduction of Iterative review, a feature designed to h...
...ime to jump in and get started! Check out our official announcement blog for all the details.
This feature update was also published on the Bitbucket blog. We are thrilled to announce that AI-assisted pull request descriptions is now available for all Bitbucket P...
This feature update was also published on the Bitbucket blog. As your team and products expand, expertise in various areas of your code base may become distributed among different team m...
...uring the 'Copilot for Pull Request' project, GitHub investigated the potential of using AI to review Pull Requests, but this feature was not made publicly available. However, in N...
… if the build and test pipeline does not pass. After stumbling across this recent community post, it inspired us to write a little something about pull requests, reviewers, notifica...
After recently checking if there has been any progress with BSERV-10715 (Labels for Pull Requests), with no luck. We have decided to do what we can to assist those out there looking for a better labe...
By tracking and analyzing pull request statistics, engineering managers and their teams can gain valuable insights into their development workflow, code quality, collaboration efficiency, and perform...
This feature update was also published on the Bitbucket blog. Bitbucket Cloud is excited to introduce a new feature to streamline the way you communicate pull request feedback to your colleagues. Y...
We’re excited to announce that Atlassian Intelligence features are now in beta and are available to all workspace admins to activate in their workspace settings. Generative AI in the editor lets you ...
This feature update was also published on the Bitbucket blog. Hi Bitbucket Cloud community 👋 It's Dave from the PM team with an update about a feature we've just released, one that s...
This feature update was also published on the Bitbucket blog. Whether you’re the author of a pull request or a code reviewer, it’s important to focus on what matters, while making sure you don’t m...
...anual work: release notes preparation, testing, and updating public documents. Auto-merging Pull Requests To optimize your code review process and improve team p...
Code review can be a labor-intensive activity for engineering teams, often involving multiple iterations of feedback between a pull request author and reviewers. It’s common for pull requests to accu...
Hello all 👋 It’s Dave from the Bitbucket Cloud product team. Today we’re excited to introduce a small but important improvement to code review: Syntax highlighting on pull requests. It’s one of our ...
Introduction to Shift Left in Agile Software Development As companies increase their adoption of Agile software development methodologies, there is a growing focus on “shifting left” some aspects o...
Have you ever felt your pull request merge process is a bit of an old-fashioned paper trail rather than the efficient process it should be? Well, don't just stand by and let your team suffer needless...
In this blog post, we'll discuss how to use digital signature approvals to ensure your pull request review process meets all necessary compliance standards. Let's get started! I...
...he information you already have to improve your technical documentation (including files, pull requests and more from public and private repositories)and we will explain how. G...
Checklists are important instruments to uphold quality in code reviews. They help ensure that all the relevant tasks are carried out and that nothing is forgotten. However, doing those checklists man...
Until recently I made my (otherwise joyful) developer life a lot harder than it needed to be, and no it's not what you’re thinking, I haven’t run out of coffee. It’s much worse, and I’m sure others h...