Hello! I would like to know that it's possible to share a calendar. We have a calendar on a board, but we wan't to share the same calendar with another board. Every board have your team and your task...
Has anyone experienced the below issue where the Power-Ups selection in Trello is greyed out and displaying "Unable to load Power-Up"? Thanks
I have Card Repeater, but am not sure if I understand how it works fully. I want to know if I can set 5 tasks each repeating on Mondays. But then I want to be able to work through each task and mark ...
I am using the "Custom Fields" power up and it works great on desktop - can create, add, show on card, etc. But I don't see it anywhere on the iOS app. Does it not work there or is there a setting so...
I have got quite a few trello boards and currently using the free price plan. I have enabled a power-up on one of my boards but not sure which one. Is there an easy way to see and disable the powe...
I recently got a new computer and after setting up Trello on Chrome for Windows 10 I thought everything was fine until I tried to add a card today. That's when I noticed that my power-ups were missin...
We have a fairly small editorial team for our organization's blog and we've been able to use a simple color-code system that allows us to easily see what each person is currently working on, complete...
Hi! We only have a SalesforceIQ account (not a Salesforce account) - would the Trello Salesforce Power-Up still work with our Salesforce IQ account? Thanks!
Hello! My team and I have been using the custom fields power up in our cards to track a number of data points that are present in all of our projects. However when I open up trello in my mobile app ...
I use the custom fields power-up on my boards, and occasionally move cards from one board to another. In the move the custom field values disappear, even if the target board has the same fields defin...
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