Hola comunidad Atlassian, Estoy atravesando un problema al usar el complemento PowerBI connector for Jira. Cuando creo un datasource usando campos de un reporte nativo de Jira software (Ejemplo: vel...
Hey guys, Please I need a help. I am creating a dashboard using Power BI. To import the table from JIRA we are using a Skyvia connector. I would like to know how I can relate the stories to the epic...
Good morning , in order to calculate some internal SLAs for my work, I need to calculate the interactions with the problems during the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. m. to 6 p.m. m. What I was able to ...
I used to get data from JIRA through API and built reports in Power BI. However I am getting "Expression.Error: Access to the resource is forbidden." error while trying to connect. I have created dat...
Could someone help me? I have access to a JIRA portal for raising and tracking tickets (from a customer perspective). I get SLA reports, but I want a report that shows how long tickets ar...
Hola, Para la creación de KPI con información relacionada a los pedidos de Jira Service Management estamos utilizando el conector de Power BI Connector for Jira, una vez que realizamos la conexión co...
Reporting is crucial for teams aiming to improve, providing insights into areas requiring attention. With proper reports, teams may be able to identify areas for improvement effectively. The proper J...
Which connector used for tempo worklog sheet data integration in power bi Or Rest API
Hi. I create a model in Power BI Desktop and connect Data Origen with the user an API Token. However when I publish the model in the Power BI Service the model does not update from there.&nbs...
I am trying to get my first Jira dataset into PowerBI (i'm new to PowerBI too)! The first time I tried I put the URL into the OData feed, set the usrname & password, but the data was wrong, so I...
Can interactive Power BI reports be embedded into Confluence pages?
We have just integrated Power BI Connector for Jira For generating reports in Power BI using Jira Data but data load using this connector is taking a lot of time. Kindly provide some methods to tac...
In our organization there has been a migration for Jira in the recent past after which we are not able to pull data into power bi with the old connector. Now we have created a new connector and used...
Hi I am using the Power BI Connector to import Jira data to Power BI. For one JQL string I have several tables to choose from in Power BI when importing the data. One of these tables is a "H...
Hola, Buenos días. No encuentro la manera de identificar qué comentarios de la tabla "Comments" son internos o públicos. En otros hilos veo soluciones a través de roles, incluso en las automatizaci...
Hey community, I'm using the Jira power bi connector to extract the tempo timesheet in the power bi report, however, the team sometimes logs their own time on sub-task instead of loggi...
Lacking the tools to create effective reporting can slow down your business. To improve reporting and a better understanding of business, you need to use tools that let you simplify the process. In...
Hello folks, I need to install Power BI Connector for Jira, after watching few tutorials, I am not able to install it following the guide, as I have not got respective "App" tab for it. What I ne...
We are working on some Power BI reporting for Jira Cloud. When we call the API, the Time in Status field looks like this: Does anyone know how to translate this into data we can report on?
Hey community, I used to export the work logs table using the power bi connector "do it" but suddenly the API stop giving me the value and it exported an empty table while there are wo...
Good day The desired outcome is to be able to automatically extract epics and stories ( in future it may include other data types) from JIRA Align into excel and to be able to refresh ...
Dears, I'm facing an issue which is the Jira data is not refreshed directly in power bi dashboards and I should go every time to the dashboard in power bi and refresh it manually....
Hello. Our company purchased Jira Service Management cloud applications 2 months ago, but we need to know if there is any way to connect with PowerBy. Hopefully you can help us and thank you very m...
Hello community! We have a connection to Power BI currently in place, but each in a while the credentials of the users that have the license active and maintain the synchronization in Power BI stops ...
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