I'm trying to run my backend app on ec2 instance with ssh-run pipe. Pipeline is executing successfully but 'run_app.sh' has never been executed. Here is my yml definition: image: ...
pipelines: default: - step: name: Notify Slack script: - apt-get update && apt-get install gettext-base - envsubst < "payload.json.template" > "payload.json" - pipe: atlassian/slack...
Hello Bitbucket Team, I was trying to push an image to AWS ECR public and used the aws-ecr-push-image pipe for it. I had some trouble to get it running as I saw the following error: DEBUG: h...
...econds>, s-maxage=<seconds> no-transform, public, private. Defaults to unset. How can I create a cache-control value with the following setting - 'public, max-age=604800, immutable'? This i...
I am using atlassian/azure-web-apps-deploy:1.2.1 and it seems like it is copying whole folder on Azure cloud instead of its contents and subfolders. Can you please help? Here is my YML file. ...
I just received notice that OpsGenie is being decommissioned and replaced with Jira Service Management Ops. We are using the Pipe for OpsGenie in Bitbucket Pipelines. Is there a similar Pipe going to...
...itbucket.org:8080 "GET /bitbucketpipelines/official-pipes/raw/master/pipes.prod.json HTTP/1.1" 200 None INFO: None INFO: Submitting jenkins job... DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): jenkins-env.apps...
Hi guys, Is there any ssh-run alternatives for Linux? We use self-hosted runners for linux.arm64 platform and ssh-run is not option for us because the pipe is not compatible with arm64 platf...
...ownloaded newer image for bitbucketpipelines/scp-deploy:1.5.0 110 DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): bitbucket.org:443 111 DEBUG: https://bitbucket.org:443 "GET /bitbucketpipelines/official-pipes...
File extensions we tested succeccfully: zip, msi, whl, test and targz (both renamed tar.gz) INFO: Executing the pipe... INFO: Start uploading 1 files ['keycloak_1.1.0.tar.gz']... Traceback (most ...
If yes, what docker image is available? I need a successor to maven:3.8.3-openjdk-11
I am using pipe: atlassian/rsync-deploy:0.12.0. The script is changing the group and permissions. Per the documentation and if I am understanding correctly I can pass these arguments to prevent this,...
Hello All, I would like to know if there is an example of how to configure the Jenkins job with this trigger or if it is just to create a parameterized job. Thanks in advance
Description The pipe aws-ecr-push-image contains a bug where you cannot authorise using OpenID Connect if you have an env variable set 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'. The pipe (https://bitbucket.org/at...
Hi guys! I built a simple pipeline to copy files from a folder and upload them to a GCS bucket using the google-cloud-storage-deploy pipe, as shown below: # Copy dags files to GCS bucket pipelin...
This is a non-blocking issue, but we just had a whole lot of automated PRs request we upgrade our serverless dependency from 3.* -> 4.* from Snyk due to 2+ vulnerabilities at a medium priority and...
Hi, I faced with quite strange issue with traggier-pipeline pipe. The following code is not working when I'm trying to use self-hosted runners: multi-rc: - step: name: Trigger Site-A RC ...
I am uploading my nodejs project in azure for that I used a yml file but on deploy it gives error no subscription id found for this app id and please use az login to auth. here is my yml file : im...
The reason we can't deploy the application directly from Bitbucket is that it brings a lot of problems and there are no suitable plugins available. Therefore, we have to rely on AWS CodeDeploy to dep...
ValueError: Please specify a container name when using atlassian/azure-storage-deploy:2.2.1 pipe yml - step:  ...
I have a serverless app that uses Poetry for package management. I am using bitbucketpipelines/serverless-deploy:1.5.0 to deploy my serverless app. When I try to deploy, I get this err...
Hi, I have a react site which i want to build and deploy using bitbucket pipelines. my pipeline runs and deploys the content of the dist folder in what seems to be correct manner. the correct ...
Hi, I am trying to setup a ci/cd for our frontend react code which needs to build and deploy the frontend to azure storage. I am using Azure Storage Deploy pipe but I can mange to only co...
I am trying to send email from bitbucket pipeline using email-notify pipe. Below is the configuration for the pipe. pipelines: custom: RunAutomatedRegressionTests: - step: name: Build...
I have an application hosted on Azure, which uses the pipeline `atlassian/azure-web-apps-deploy`. I'd like to use Azure slots to achieve blue/green deployment. I see I can set a repository var...
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