Hello, I recently integrated the bitbucket-chatgpt-codereview:0.1.3 pipeline into one of our repositories. From my understanding, the agent submits to OpenAI the diff between two branches...
I tried to add fingerprints to the `.gitleaksignore` file but that does not work how do I have to get the fingerprints? I tried to run gitleaks command locally in my repo, but they have...
For the last year i have been using the ftp-deploy:0.7.1 pipe in bitbucket without issue. In an effort to better manage my server, i have recently created new SFTP users, so i updated my pipe to s...
We are moving from data center to cloud. In Bamboo we use the NAnt task to run our NAnt build script. Does anybody know if there is a way to use NAnt script in pipes? I did ask the question a w...
I have implemented the following pipe to clear pipeline caches, but it seems that this pipe clears all the caches by name, when I want it to just clear the current cache according to its file key: ...
Hi, I would like to integrate Bitbucket ChatGPT codereview. We have GPT deployments in Azure AI, but the codereview plugin tries to autenticate against the OpenAI URL: INFO: HTT...
The scp-deploy pipe's README.md, as it's first example, shows that the proper format for the EXTRA_ARGS command is a string: YAML Definition Add the following snippet to the script section of your&...
A request to the maker: is it possible to update the docker image to contain a newer version of NodeJS? Currently it uses v12 which is of course quite old :(
Hi, I tried to use gpt-4o and it's not supported, any plans to add support for it in the future? Thank you!
Specific error message: Status: Downloaded newer image for bitbucketpipelines/bitbucket-dependency-scanner:0.1.4 time="2024-11-19T16:21:25Z" level=error msg="error waiting for ...
INFO: Uploading application1.zip to S3. 72 aws s3 cp application1.zip s3://$S3_BUCKET/my-app-1.0.0 73 INFO: Registering a revision for the artifact. 74 aws d...
ive chosen to use basic auth for my controller, and it works fine. i want to use the same authorization method for the jobs - but it will only allow me to use oauth client id and secret. eve...
Hi, I have a pipe for secret scanning like this : - step: name: Secret Scanning script: - pipe: atlassian/git-secrets-scan:0.4.3 variables: FILES: "**/*....
I'm trying to update an Azure Container App Job using the pipe microsoft/azure-cli-run. I would like to run the command: "az containerapp job update" But for this I need the az containerapp add-on...
I have implemented a step in my pipeline which runs the dependency scanner tool to check my project; it generates a JSON and an HTML report and should generate the CodeInsights report by (default). ...
I used following guide to setup bitbucket runner: https://bitbucket.org/bitbucketpipelines/runners-autoscaler/src/master/ while runner runner on kubernetes. I am getting the following err...
Pipes monthly digest November 2024 Hi, Welcome to the next Bitbucket Pipes digest. This month comes packed with additions to Pipes. Don’t forget to subscribe (click Watch and select A...
Hi! I'm trying to use Bitbucket trigger pipeline to implement GitOps and I need to verify status execution after a call to pipe atlassian/trigger-pipeline:5.8.1. I set WAIT parameter to...
When using 0.7.3 of the upload pipe you can shoot yourself in the foot if you have navigated away from the clone dir with your script entries in the step. The pipe will not find any globbed file pat...
I am trying out the `slack-notify` bitbucket pipe ( https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/slack-notify/src/master/) since the BitBucket Cloud for Slack app has a limited set of triggers for sending a slac...
Trying to configure various changeset conditions, cache-keys or clear-cache steps does not help the fact that you need to re-download the dependencies all the time after a cache is cleared/not found....
I'm trying to add the atlassian/crate-ci-typos-check pipe to some projects. In some projects it is running fine however I am getting the following https://i.imgur.com/CDXdI7j.png (...
Hello, I am trying to set up a pipeline to push docker images to google artifact registry. I always receive the following error. ✖ Docker login error: 500 Server Error for http://host.docke...
while im using the pipe bitbucket dependency scanner its getting failed.
...ITBUCKET_PIPE_STORAGE_DIR: tee: /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan/sonarcloud-scan.log: Permission denied So we had to revert to root....
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