Hi, i'm new in jira / confluence. I want to ask if in a private project in Jira, i attach a confluence page, does any Atlassian/Jira/Confluence subscriber outside my prject can see that page? I sa...
Several pages in our space have been restricted by an unavailable user. I've removed these restrictions, but I still encounter a permissions error stating, "You don't have permission to v...
...'d like to copy all those pages to a single page (HUB) and automatically receive all updates they make in their pages into this HUB? Is it possible? If yes, h...
...ecret sauce to get a confluence space to show up in the drop-down list under Pages->Connect Confluence Project? Details: The drop-down contains some spaces and also personal-spaces, but t...
...ame. This product is called "Apollo" but this name is already used by another company and so we want to change the name in all documents in our Confluence. But as there are more than 9 thousand pages...
I am creating a service for which I want to fetch all the pages which have restriction "Only specific people can view and edit" set to it. I tried this endpoint confluence_base_instance/rest/api/c...
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