The default behavior excludes the comment option, and since there is no option to add a comment after a version is published the ability to do so is lost forever (for that page version) if people f...
Hi, is there any way when i'm in page edit to see where the A4 page ends and starts? My issue is that when I use export to PDF, some passages are split into 2 pages. Thanks
Hi Community, I have a query regarding Confluence access. If a user is deactivated and no longer has access to Confluence, what happens to the documents/pages created by that user? Will those d...
I've tried to import my existing word file with 25 Mb size in a new page on Confluence But the page became unresponsive when importing the file. I have tried in 3 different laptop specs and still h...
How can I convert a Microsoft Word doc file to a Confluence page? There is an outdated documentation on that subject bellow and no alternative besides attaching or embbeding the file to a page....
Hello :) I have 2 public spaces. Let's call them A and B. Space A has a page called WorkA Space B has a page called WorkB (with content from WorkA using /include page) I link page WorkB in S...
Is there anyway to find pages that have emojis or images within the header? I have tried and researched with no luck. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I have a scenerio which i need to update the spcific comment case 1 I am finding the comment which contains text-one and update the text of that comment Case 2 if te...
I am experiencing an issue with Confluence where attachments uploaded to a page are not displaying in the space view, despite the permissions being set correctly. Here are the details: A...
Okay, so databases have a field type for Page Link that allows you to create a new page, right? Whatever you type into the field becomes the page title and you can use a template for each new page c...
I would like to use the File Page Template to upload a large reference library of files. I have a couple of questions. 1. When I tested it, in addition to the files listing, all the file names are g...
Hi there, im not sure if it is possible and havent found anything about this topic yet. I have a Feedback-Confiforms that allows Users to give Feedback about all the pages in a space. All pages h...
Hope I'm using the correct term here. My space has several "categories" , each contains 3 o 4 articles (pages). How can I create a new category? I guess my brain has checked out early for the w...
...bsp; However, customers who access the help center are automatically granted confluence permissions and are subject to billing. This is because I, who have agent privileges, are creating "knowledge page...
Bonjour, Comment puis-je modifier en masse un ensemble de pages dans Confluence ? Exemple : J'ai 10 pages de documentations qui mentionne la référence 00259. Je souhaite pouvoir modifier cette r...
As you can see in the screenshot below, the previous pages until v.6 has been deleted. We want to restore those versions. Is there a potential way for this through database or any other means b...
Hello. I have the ability to use the Send Web Request and have it create a page in the proper area in Confluence. Awesome! I can't find anywhere that clearly explains how to make it choose a t...
I would like to put some placeholder text as we have in the Confluence meeting notes template and to be able to edit it. As you see, once it is published there is no text visible on display. H...
I have a database with several backlink columns. When I select the backlink entry to inspect it, the right rail pops up, but none of the page links in that entry are clickable. When I click on one o...
Hi, I can see that the v1 API has an endpoint for adding labels to content but I can't see something similar in v2. In particular, update page and the labels group are where I'm looking. &n...
In general, I can create a new page and fill the body with content. It looks like it was expected. But I need to create a page in full-width size. REST API documentation should have provided s...
I tried to update the DNS setting of my domain to point it to my page but on hitting the domain i see a Atlassian 404 page, which indicates that the DNS settings are correctly p...
The ability to connect Google Drive instead of Confluence in product pages has been rolling out for at least a month, but I'm still not seeing the option. I typically see new features and i...
...hree columns data which is internal. And 4 columns can be viewed by public (outside my organisation). I have another public space where all the pages are made accessible to public using `Refined`.&n...
When a template is created and someone creates a Page from that template, the Back and Next buttons sit at the bottom of the page and users have missed them. Can these buttons be relocated to t...
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