Hello, I've been testing using @mentions but they aren't working if I use them in a page in Edit mode. I've tried this three times now and none of the testees have recieved an email notification....
Hi, We have been struggling with the Watch email notification feature for some time now. Here are my issues and concerns that I would greatly appreciate help from the community regarding. I am u...
How to edit notifications, so that u are going to be notifeied only for a issue that u have created, or u are watching it!?
I used to get e-mail notification after creating an issue in JIRA. I was told by other users that they did'n get e-mails these days, so I went to check in JIRA Admin, the mail server is OK (sent o...
...ormal circumstances. Do we need some kinds of operation about notification or other methods? thanks a lot.
Hello, When we make limited visibility comments we expect to get email notifications but we do not. Please advise. Thanks, Kirill
Hi, Is there a simple way to do this? standard jira or plugins? Thanks.
Currently I can get email notifications of any comments on a crucible review. To get rid of email clutter I would like to get notifications via a RSS feed for each review. Is there some way to do this?
...ike to resolve the majority of these issues but don't want watchers and reporters to get a bunch of notification emails. Without making any edits to the notification schemes is there a way we could r...
My company is considering JIRA for our IT department made up of developers, support technicians and sys admins. The one thing that may be a show stopper is the way user licenses are defined. We only ...
I'd like to override the profile setting to receive emails for your own actions just for ticket creation on a queue, thoughts on how to accomplish this? Tickets are being created via email, and wou...
Hi, I have a question about behavior with project leader and component leader in workflow transition post-function and notification scheme. From the documentation of workflow post f...
As our company's JIRA admin I sometimes step in and comment on issues to give users help or advice on using JIRA. Sometimes they need me to transition issues back through the workflow if they clicked...
I am getting an update notification for the space I am not watching. E.g. I am watching a Space1, there is a Page1. I recieved a notification about a page (Page2) in different space (Space2) w...
Is it possible to change the frequency of update alert emails? I have a user who is asking if he can set to receive weekly mails rather than daily ones.
...re not options in the "Tools" menu. Where should I be able to access this? Also, I would have thought that an email notification would have been sent out to all reviewers when the review was c...
The "Minor Change (No Notifications will be sent)" check box is a major annoyance that results in 1000s of unecessary spam messages that cause people to ignore said messages. This could be easily f...
I am using JIRA v4.3.1#615-r147022 and GreenHopper v5.6.8. I can't seem to find a way to customize the notification scheme to filter out a specific issue update event, specifically when I p...
Hi all, In my vision the user has the control about notifications. A small example: The user add a new comment. In a second step he can decide who will be notified (or which events will be fired)....
I see the following files under ...\WEB-INF\classes\templates\email\HTML\includes. footer.vm, header.vm, summary-bottom.vm and summary-topleft.vm Footer for example looks like this: -- $...
I'm looking for a way to stop email notifications to user's based on their Project Role (e.g. Partner) or via a User Group without having to modify each & every issue they have (1) reported or (2...
Has Jira the ability to notify on actions based on _who_ did them? Use Case: We have a couple of "customer" users in a project that have the "Customers" role and we want to have the whole team (or...
Hi there, Is it possible to display the status of an issue in body content of notification e-mail from JIRA? In my e-mail template I can see issue key number, URL, project and issue t...
The Reporter and Assignee are both listed in the body of the system generated email notification. How can I also display the Watcher(s)?
it seems that HTML emails contain quite a bit of JavaScript code. Iknow since our users' Lotus Notes 7.0 throws a nasty error. Is there a way to strip JavaScript from being sent in HTML notification...
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