Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×I work for a company of 21,000 people. I am not a Global Jira administrator on our Jira Data Center instance as only IT staff quite rightly have that privilege. I have an Excel file containing...
Hi, In our instance, I dont get access requests. And I cant review or approve access requests. How it comes? Our engineers claim that they sent access requests.
Our service says that the payment method we have on file is expired. We want to update it but unfortunately have no options to do so. The interfaces says I need to be a billing admin whic...
בטעות ביצעתי השבתת משתמש (המורה שלי) והוא נמחק מרשימת המשתמשים, עכשיו שאני רוצה להזמין אותה מחדש, הוא לא נותן לי ואומר שהוא לא יכול להוסיף חשבון מושבת, חפרתי את הגיט, ולא מצאתי פתרון. אשמח מא...
When will your email processor be able to process emails without a subject?
I am using same password but can not access the work that I have been doing . All lost now???
프로젝트를 개설하고 이슈등록을 하였습니다. 사용자를 추가하였습니다. 이슈에 담당자를 배정하고 싶은데, 담당자들이 보이지 않습니다.
buen día, necesito importar incidencia masivas desde un CSV pero como administrador de un proyecto y no como administrador de Jira, se puede realizar solo con ese rol?
Hola, mensualmente nos están llegando cargos a nuestra tarjeta y no sabemos a qué se deben. Por favor, necesitamos que nos lo aclaren y que procedan a su reembolso.
Nous ne comprenons pas pourquoi vous coupez notre abonnement à chaque fois, et pourquoi nous ne réussissons pas à vous joindre
for integrating jenkins with jira i have followed the below steps Integrate with Jenkins Jenkins for Jira provides a free, secure, and reliable way to connect your Jenkins server, running ...
Hey everyone, I have a field in one of my issue types that is supposed to be filled out before the issue is ,oved to the status "done". Since the person who works on the issue is supposed to fill ut...
Bonjour, Pourquoi notre compte a été suspendu alors qu'a chaque fois on vous regle, je n'arrive pas a comprendre comment ça fonctionne votre mode de paiement ?
Last year, I backed up my documents in Confluence. I checked now and it seems to have become inactive, but I want to access my existing documents again. Please check quickly. Link to t...
Under 'Personal settings', when I go to my 'Two-step verification' settings, the only option is to 'Enable two-step verification'. But I've already got it enabled. This looks to be a ...
Hello, I was using the free plan for Jira, I installed two apps for gant chart for exploring, I added two extra users and accordingly, I have been upgraded to the standard and was willing to pay the...
How can i activate a user that is deactivated?
Can we execute periodic backup tasks?
We want to disable 2FA for the user request u to guide us on priority
hi team , i have changed my computer and i ve dont acces to jira coudl you please help me?
mohon di bantu tidak bisa login jira
Starting today, Atlassian introduced the Highlight feature/option, which is cool but...it broke the Atlassian AI feature (e.g. Change Tone, etc) that now it's not visible anymore :( Can you ...
hi my boss provided me with admin access, but I still cannot add anyone to the tempo group. how or what I should do?
I need to change/edit payment details but cannot see from the billing console the existing payment details. My user has Org Admin status just cant view existing payment details or add new. Is there a...
We have a problem. We want to change the "Bill to" and "Sold to" data in the Atlassian Admin Center, but we can't seem to get it right. Is there any possibility for you to change the address for us? ...
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