...eadiness. Marketing Team: Prepare blog posts, schedule social media announcements, and update the website. Customer Support Team: Update documentation, create training materials, and prepare f...
...eek, we thought it would be fun to share more insights into the types of work our teams do in Confluence —starting with my team, the Marketing team! Us Marketers love a good template 😍 It helps us b...
...nsuring compliance. Confluence, paired with Workflows for Confluence and Compliance for Confluence apps by AppFox, provide the structure and efficiency teams need to stay ahead. Let’s explore how HR and Marketing...
...ollow the marketing team as they use Atlassian tools to promote the new feature. Think of it as the sequel you didn't know you needed! 😜 Let's dive in and see how the marketing team picks up where t...
...n: using Jira beyond software development. Imagine managing sales prospects, marketing campaigns, investor relationships, and recruitment all in one place. Less context switching, more getting s...
Looking for a tool that can adapt to any team's unique needs? TeamBoard TimePlanner, a literally ALL-IN-ONE solution, is here to help! Picture this: HR is swamped with leave requests, Marketing i...
...genda was crafted around my own interests as a marketing leader, as a longstanding user of the tools, as someone that is interested in the development and application of AI, and as a marketer who n...
...tlassian ecosystem that keeps growing every day, after seven years. It has been all this time since I started at Deiser’s marketing department, doing everything to learn from a job I wasn’t very aware of w...
This is an excerpt from a speech I delivered at the Jira Day 2023 conference in Krakow, Poland. Read the story of Agile marketing implementation at Deviniti for more historical context....
...o sync or move issues. The other part was the Confluence space which we made public. It wasn’t just a knowledge base but also the home base of all our ongoing work. We were drafting blog a...
...ethodologies have recently expanded far beyond tech, proving to be a highly effective approach for various teams, from marketing and HR to Education and Training and more. The appeal of Agile is c...
...variety of content types to reach different audiences. Blog posts can cover best practices and in-depth guides, while short video tutorials can quickly show how to use specific features. Webinars c...
...ractical tips, insights, and strategies to boost your presence, build a strong community, and drive conversions. Each part of this series focuses on key areas to set you up for success. Marketing in a...
Product marketing can be challenging, with difficulties that can overwhelm even the best of us. But with some tricks and strategies, we can turn those hurdles into stepping stones to success. U...
Marketing a technical product can be challenging, especially if you don't have a technical background. While my background isn't entirely non-technical—I studied psychology and social science, so I...
...ignificant benefits like increased visibility, access to a broad user base, and built-in trust from the marketplace's reputation. Marketing within an ecosystem can be challenging since you can’t c...
...he market space you tend to consistently publish blogs on your website and you see positive results in terms of organic traffic, rankings and customer acquisition. Just publishing content regularly w...
Let's be honest: every marketing team dreams of being data-driven (and judging by the "shared beliefs" in this group, I bet a lot of you are leading the charge!). At SaaSJet, we were no different....
...roposing. Combining our marketing efforts allows us to: Increase website traffic: By collaborating, we can expose our work to a whole new audience. Boost brand awareness: Partnering with other m...
...rganization. Leverage over 50 request type templates for a range of teams like HR, facilities, finance, legal, marketing, design, and more. To read more about request type templates and team-managed p...
...ome to life, making it easier to get your setup right the first time around. Best of all, they support a range of teams including HR, facilities, finance, legal, marketing, design, and more. Instead o...
In the fast-paced world of marketing, precision is not just valued; it's essential. Yet, despite our best efforts, the demand for attention to detail can often feel like an uphill b...
...rom your peers! That’s where this group comes in. Please join me in sharing how your team is structured, how you get work done, and what you think could be improved. Don’t forget to say what kind of marketing...
...avorite AI applications so far in product marketing, and how to implement them. Spoiler alert: it’s not just for writing blog posts. 😉 How I think about AI as a marketer ✨ AI is a tool to augment h...
G’day Marketing Professionals! Welcome to the new community group created just for you. We’re excited to have this group where Marketers can engage, share, and brainstorm ways of using Atlassian t...
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