Since the prerequisite of Grouperstar is to earn Group Connector, seems like I should have both but only found Grouperstar in my profile. 😆
Hi, The Make It Appen challenge no longer seems to work for me. Even though liking several articles in the App Central group, the like counter (0 of 5 completed) doesn't increase. Can s...
Hi All, I have completed the tasks under Make it Appen kudos item but it does not get completed either the kudos point are not getting added to my points. Is it the issue with others also. V...
Recently, I noticed that Kudo points and badges are not being added. I observed this with multiple challenges: At Your Service, Early AI-dopter, Automate all things, and Save me a seat...
Hello everyone I have a question that I find strange and I want to know if it happens to me because I have restrictions in the kudos program or if it happens to other colleagues But sometimes a c...
Is the Atlassian Community based on Questions for Confluece? If not, what is it built using? Are the community Kudos using the same Kudos add-on for Jira (by Candilyo)? If so, does that mean that Kudos...
When hovering on a user profile, there is this button "give kudos" which leads to an error page (see screenshots). I would like to remove this fonctionality completely as it is obviously u...
Hello All, I have been moderately active on the Atlassian Community in the last few days. However, my kudos are not updating based on activity. It had been working just fine until recently. It w...
My team uses the emoji reaction feature in ticket comments to give kudos to their teammates. I would like the ability to query the amount of tickets that emoji reactions were used. Or, even better, q...
We are looking to reward and recognize folks for kudos being provided. It would be nice to be able to grab that information from Atlas and add it to our slide decks to openly cheer everyone on in a p...
Sometimes the kudos count rises, for example from 300 to 800. I don't think I did anything in the between. Is the count delayed or something?
I completed the requirements for Play as a Team challenge, but it is not recognizing that I completed the second part "Comment on 5 plays of the month". Who do I report this to?
I introduced myself on the New to Jira group a couple of weeks back but the challenge never updated. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Hi, today something has gone wrong... Not only have I received kudos mistakenly, I also can see given kudos from another person. I attached a screenshot from my point tracker for reference. Where c...
I have tried multiple times filling each and every details but still I am unable to complete this Autobiographer - Complete a Profile Challenge. Anyone who has completed, could you please guide what...
I just checked and challenges are showing blank. Attached a screenshot for reference. Could you please check and sort this out? Cheers Suvradip
Hi, I checked and I am able to see 'Kudos' while I access from laptop but while I check from mobile browser it's not there except navigating to profile. Is it due to beta?
I think it would benefit our team to be able to have a community for our company's team and that way we can offer kudos to each other specifically and not globally
Has anyone else noticed that their challenges and progress is not updating? I've just checked and it shows on my points tracker that nothing has been tracked for 21 days 🤔
I'm struggling to find the videos in the Jira Basics section to complete this challenge. I've watched 4 of the videos via the link but when I go to find more there doesn't seem to be any and previous...
There are two entries for jira cloud learning and the display for learning 4 is a bit sesame street - one of these things is not like the other ones, one of these things just doesnt belong. ...
...Are there rules I'm not aware of - you can only get points every x mins, the likes only count for things in the beta / kudos group, you have a max number each day, or other such limitation? They d...
Dear all, I just could not find any information about the kudos bonus on standard activities. (Either I am blind and/or tired) answering questions voting answers own answers accepted creating a...
My badges seem to be coming in a strange order. New badges are being displayed 2nd in the icon list: The first one has been there for a while - not sure what it was for - the new...
Do the people not in this group see the kudos given to them? I cant see the one I gave to a non-beta community member. If they are meant to see them where can I see it? Or can I not see it.
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