When displaying a story the sub tasks are listed showing the #, title, sub task icon, status, asignee and percentage complete. I would like to be able to customise columns here, for example to sho...
I faced a wierd behavior today. We show Fix Version field on the resolve Issue screen only in our JIRA Studio instance. Since some developers were not adding to this field while fixing issues, I made...
How can I control the order that tasks/issues get tackled? On Task Board I cannot understand how some tasks are set in to-do and some are listed as other issues. I cannot seem to change the order, ...
I wanted to know if its possible somehow to use Greenhopper in order to view the status (task board/planning board) of ALL the projects simultaneously, and not only PER project as it is today. ...
Hello, Yesterday I posted a video of the Rapid Board. This video represents the work of the GreenHopper team over the past few months. As the Rapid Board is still in Labs today I wanted to take thi...
Hi -- we're working to establish time entry in Jira using Greenhopper. Our users are eager to track the start and end times of their work. Jira proper allows one to add a start time but the correspon...
GreenHopper is a great tool. It lets me plan the project with ease. Earlier the team was using Excel sheets and emails for sprint/release planning which is now recorded in GreenHopper with real time ...
These errors appear only for my "Development" project. 1. In GH Planning Board\Version and in GH Chart Board, Time Estimate for the version (Nyár2011) and its parent version (DEV-2011) are both "0d...
I just tried to create a version hierarchy from the Planning board (Planning Board > Version > Add), but I wonder why the order of the child versions is inversed. I did the following: Added...
I'm running JIRA 4.3, and installed the Greenhopper plugin via the Plugin Admin interface. I restarted JIRA fine, but when I click on any of the Greenhopper links in the left-side menu bar, for examp...
I've discovered that GreenHopper doesn't adjust its version statistics (e.g. Version Time Estimae/Time Spent/Time Remaining on the planning board) when an update fires a custom event, so I've removed...
Using Greenhopper 5.6.8, I cannot get the statistical marker to show up (using story points constraint). Following the docs, I have 3 stories with a total of 100 points, with a "Version 1" constrain...
I am just starting on Greenhopper and we were going to try to just use the original estimates rather than work logging (to reduce overhead). What I was hoping was: * set original estimate * when...
I'd like to add another column in Taskboard with the same status and resolution as another but Greenhopper won't let me. This seems like a strange restriction to have as it is a perfectly valid workf...
We use GH 5.4.1. Currently our Product Owners are not able to correct the issue type (story, technical story, epic, ...) when they set it wrong initially, because they found out that Jira changes the...
We have a small team and have many different projects that we all work on. We want to have a master backlog for all of our work and manage it through greenhopper. This backlog needs to span multiple ...
In my team we have 57 team members and we have 5 scrum teams. While running one of the stand up meetings every morning I have to pick team members on Taskboard from 57 assignees. Is there a way I c...
I do not get the options ADD and STATISTICS in the statistics column on the planning board. How can I enable these?
The only field I'm able to set is the resolution (fix or reject). I'd like to be able to add a comment also, as a I commonly do when resolving a ticket without GreenHopper. I'm not sure if it...
I use the planning board in list view to prioirtize my backlog. The defult list size of 30 is quite restrictive as drag-n-dropping from one page to another is very cumbersome. My question is that ...
Sorry for the question on an ancient version of Greenhopper, but I have what I have. Anyone know how to delete a context in Greenhopper 3.8? I finally figured out how to edit an existing context, b...
When the stakeholders have completed prioritisation of stories and assigned them to a sprint, and the team has agreed that the sprint is achievable, how is or how can the sprint be "locked down" so t...
How can you drop a planned version that you no longer need.
We're trying to install the Wallboard plugin in our JIRA sandbox. But there's a problem when we try to enable it: LinkProvider for the default wallboard generator (wallboard-generator-link-provider...
Hi, i started playing around with jira + greenhopper (hosted trial). How can i make use of the new Rapid Board? The hosed trial doenst have an option to install the plugin form labs. Thanks
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