Hi there, I'm keen to hear some examples of remote asynchronous working methods non-profits are using to engage and collaborate with small teams across several countries? Any thoughts, ideas...
I am CEO of a small internationaly remote team across Europe and am attempting to convince them all that using Trello & Google Chat/Spaces, is the way forward. However, i am struggling to f...
Basicamente, oque esta acontecendo é que o power up google chat, não esta mandando mensagens e alertas para sala que eu criei no google chat, realmente não sei mais oque fazer, ja ativei o google cha...
My business has been using Trello for a while and just got Google Workspace. I've figured out how to send an alert to a Space from a Trello card, but I'd like to be able to notify a member of a card ...
I want to be able to send notifications, create cards, delete or have visibility to trello within Google Chat. What type of integrations are there available to achieve something like this?
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