When creating a branch from Jira using GitHub, the "Branch from" selector is hidden using css. It shows before selecting a repo, but when selecting one, the selector is hidden by a global s...
Hello everyone, I'm considering using GitHub for Jira app to integrate our development with JIRA, but I have a concern. Only specific people have access to GitHub and among them only a few can do t...
I would like to set up Github for Jira app the official Atlassian one. I have two queries. 1st: I have Jira admin access but doesn’t have access to Guthub as it is managed separately by another t...
Hi All, I want to Fork this GitHub repository microsoft-teams-emergency-operations-center inside our Bitbucket repo, as we need to do some customization which are specific to our o...
I am reading those steps on how to Fork a GitHub repo into Bitbucket repo @ https://gist.github.com/hollygood/4e1cf4e3c5c21c40f0de9fd9b54996d3 .. But i have those 2 q...
I am facing this weird problem, now i have an Azure App Service, and when i define its Deployment repository to reference this repository inside GitHub https://github.com/OfficeDev/microsoft-t...
My organization is using GitHub Team version. Whether github for Jira app can be used for the integration. Can I get a official documentation page of the same.
In my tickets I can see my github changes in the "development" section. In that section there is also a last update date against the item (like merge, commit etc). I would like to write an a...
Hello, I am trying to migrate one project from Jira cloud site A to another Jira cloud site B using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant. The project has a GitHub for Jira integration set up to d...
The GitHub power-up stopped working for me suddenly some weeks ago. I followed some article (a Trello doc I think) which told me that if it doesn't work, I should try disabling the power-up and r...
We currently have a GitHub enterprise account and an Atlassian Cloud enterprise account. Each of our software development teams has slight variations in their developer tools usage. And as a r...
Hi, My github and Jira are connected. I'm looking for a way to write a JQL that will identify a ticket where the DEVELOPMENT data was updated in the last X days (see picture below). Is t...
We have integrated Github and Jira, and are able to see the execution of the Github action deployed to the QA environment in the "Deployments" Tab within the issue. Therefore, we use Jira A...
to the limitation that branches cannot originate in Jira… can it be managed/updated in Jira or is Jira essentially a view only of what is in GitHub? &n...
Hi folks, I'm relatively new to git, I'm mostly used to Github with Github Desktop. I'm now collaborating with a team using Bitbucket, I had some trouble configuring everything but after following t...
We have the free version of JIRA as there are currently only 5 of us, but we want to use https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1219592/github-for-jira?hosting=cloud&tab=overview W...
Not able to select the Git repository in the
Hello, I’m currently using the Jira Free Plan and I want to use the GitHub for Jira integration. I would appreciate some guidance on whether Atlassian's GitHub for Jira app can be used c...
Hello Atlassian Community, I'm looking for guidance on how to automatically close GitHub branches when a Jira story transitions to the "Done" status. We're using Jira Software for project m...
Smart Commits are turning up in the "Development" section of related issues, but commands I put in them such as "#resolve" are being completely ignored. e.g. the commit message says: amazing fix ...
I've been a Bitbucket user for the past 10 years. I usually stored some very important academic and professional projects in my account, as a redundancy for github. Today I tried to loggin in my m...
...t would let us import from github. there is also no solution to import all at one go as well.
In my project I already have a Jira board and existing GitHub, I looked online but didn't find any way to integrate already existing GitHub with my Jira board. Below is the Jira version used in my p...
I'm having issues trying to push my Unity project to GitHub because the files that are too large are NOT being ignored. I have a .gitignore file that I added after I realized I had the issue of f...
I created a New Story and made a Branch on Github through Jira. However, after Committing to the Branch, it's not updating. I'm using Android Studio with Github Desktop. When I open the Issue it s...
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