I have an nFeed multiple selection field that I am using as a base category field. The user can make multiple selections. I would like to create a rule that is triggered by issue c...
Hi, I would like to know if what I want to do will be possible. Assume a single data source (database) for a 3 level cascading select field. The first column would contain parent values (A, B, C, e...
Good afternoon. Is it possible to create a dynamic form in the service desk portal that depends on the value of the element connect field ? Divinity does not work with formally need values. Behavior ...
Hello, i have the following use case as example. I have 3 nfeed fields: A B and C created in Jira The 3 nfeed fields connect to sql server to retrieve data. Field B is dependent on th...
When I wrrite down Query to get info about user from LDAP with Elements connect plug in I get this error : An error occured while executing LDAP query : javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterExc...
Can someone help me with the script to get nfeed value under behaviors plugin
i have following product with which i would like to migrate from server to cloud BigPicture [available on cloud] nfeed for jira [NOT available on cloud] - Kindly suggest some oth...
Hi everyone! I have the following problem I need to solve in my company: I have an issue with tempo account "A" set. This account is connected to the tempo customer "Z" with the tempo custo...
I have a nfeed multi select field and it is returning an array.now i want to copy this field to another nfeed field..can you help me how to do that? issue,getcustomfieldvalue(nfeed1) is returning [W...
Hello, I have moved nFeed fields up my create screen. When creating a new item, the dropdown selections don't display unless I scroll down the form. How do I resolve this besides movin...
I've got Elements set up and feeding into the JIRA. However I can't search on the field using JQL - it just says "No Matching Results Found" How do I go about searching on these fields? Thank...
I am trying to set nfeed customfield using groovy as below List<IssueLink> issueLinks = linkManager.getInwardLinks(issue.getId()); for(IssueLink link : issueLinks) { if (link.getIssueLinkTyp...
Hi @JamieA , I have a question for you and I think it will interresting for other. In my company, we use "Issue Alternative Assignee" to assignee ticket to project role members. Could yo...
Hello! I am currently using 4 nFeed fields (let's say A, B, C and D) in my request type. When a customer is selecting option 1 in the A field, I would like to be able to set field B, C and D require...
Hello everyone, following scenario: In my issue creating screen I have 5 nFeed custom fields (3 standard and 2 user fields). My datasource is a XML file accessed by URL. The first nFeed custom...
Hi, I'm using Element Connect addOn (former nFeed) to create a custom field to get a values from a json web service (URL data source). It works fine only if the $userInput has no space. If the...
As figure displayed. Regards, Eric Cheng
Hello! We encountered such a problem when in some tasks the nfeed field is not displayed on the view screen. But this field is on the task editing screen, and it is filled. How to make the field dis...
I have install nFeed and was able to create a custom field, which gets read by an SQL select query from the database. It works fine even with auto complete. Now I would like to have another read onl...
Hi, I am importing the IFieldValueService class in my scriptrunner post functions. I am getting the below error intermittently java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at com.onreso...
Hi, I have got the nfeed value from parent ticket which returns an Array. Now how should I be passing this value using issueinputparameters.addcustomfield method
Hi I am getting nfeed result from issue.getCustomField and trying to pass it to IN clause in sql query. Can someone help on this as it throwing conversion error
Nfeed customfield giving the error "An error occurred : %s". The datasource of the field is URL type and query is configured depending with other customfield value. Please help to understan...
Hi all, we are using Jira Service Desk and nFeed to pull data. One nFeed field pulls data from the Jira database to build the assignee name in a nice manner "first name sirname" which then can be us...
Hi Everyone, Hopefully I have articulated this query well as I haven’t been able to find a close enough answer. For a Nfeed field type, that has a SQL data source of over 500 values, is it possible...
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