Having a clear vision of the future shouldn’t just be for fortune tellers, especially when the performance and functionality of your Jira instance or support portal is at stake. That’s why Elements...
We have an elements connect field that we want to hide and show depending on if it has options or not. We will be using script runner or behaviour.
Hi all, I'm working on Elements Copy & Sync. I need to map a customfield Due Date (Date Picker) = Customfield_12500 (Date Picker)+ 3 days. As the document (https://doc.elements-apps.com/element...
How do I activate the Elements Connect integration in Automation for JIRA Lite? The support documentation explains how to create the "action" to update an nFeed field, but I don't see this opti...
Hello I've encounted an unexpected error: nFeed administration page is blank, see the screenshot Jira version - v8.2.5 nFeed version - 5.13.11 I can't find the solution yet, so lookin...
I need to pull data from a rest-api but the data needs to be filtered by a value that I can only get (a table key) by first calling the rest-api to retrieve it. So I need to someth...
Hello! I have to display the value of an Element Connect field in a Velocity template from custom event. Value of field in issue: Direccion: IGLESIA, 12 Using the next code: Direccion: $issue.ge...
Jira Software Data Center users have access to Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira) as part of their subscription since February 2, 2021, and now customizing how you copy, link, ...
We use Elements Connect to retrieve client details from our billing application's database and find this so convenient for our users when creating issues in JIRA Service Management that it's fairly c...
Hi everyone! I am using the trial version of Elements Connect, I wanted to do a backup test but there is no such option, I read the documentation and based on that if there is, do you think that is ...
El jueves 17 de junio (la próxima semana), dos representantes de top partners del Marketplace de Atlassian @Leo Diaz _ DEISER y @Cecile Sablayrolles [Elements]s...
Hello Community! I have a Elements Connect field which is getting results from a REST endpoint. When I open my field in Elements Connect, it has an option (Debugger checkbox option under Advanced ta...
Hello guys! I am using a Behavior for a Multi-select custom field from Elements Connects (nFeed) so that, in some projects, it is possible to select only one option from the various ones available. ...
Hi, One of my clients uses Element connect to create their custom fields. I have to get the values of these custom fields in a jira plugin that I develop for them, but I always get an empty value. ...
We had created a field for Emp_ID,Emp_Name in Element Connect plugins. But after creating the ticket the value for EmpID is not showing on ticket and report. This is happening on some cases. But mos...
The pitfalls of missing information on a ticket reporter for Jira Service Management agents When you work in a large company putting ITSM processes in place, one of your main goals will be to h...
Use case: Integrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM data into Jira Let's take a frequent use case around here: all customer data resides in a pre-existing CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and the...
My NFeed field has "admin" as a choice and it is selectable in the UI. Via, Rest, the below Json doesn't seem to work, although it doesn't error either ( 10202 is my NFeed User field ) "update...
Hi, We have noticed a strange behavior in our Jira system that the few data of nFeed are not getting listed while doing an advanced search. Where as the option is listed under the Basic search selec...
I want to create a scripted field that has its value set based on the contents of a elements connect field. So far I have been working in the scriptrunner console just trying to get the value o...
Hi! I am using Script Runner post function in order to clone issue from JSD project til business project (Clones an issue, and links). I have custom field in the target project having the type ...
We've all been there before: you need to raise a request on a support portal because we have an issue with something, and you look at the request form, feeling overwhelmed by all the information you ...
On Create issue screen I have a field that imports data from DB. Can I set it as required?
When creating a task, use "Elements Connect: Set a field value" in the post function. This field is updated when I create a task manually. But if I create a task using a script, the field is not upd...
When searching on the custom field “Customer” that is also an element Connect field , I have two issues: Autocomplete is not working No result can be found , even when typing the full value of the...
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