As Confluence Databases have so much potential and it seems that the development team is working on improvements constantly, is there any public roadmap for the next few months? Knowing w...
We are using Confluence Databases to document tagging requirements for internal development. We would like to highlight specific fields that have been updated since a previous version of the t...
Hey there! We frequently use the database macro and I really like it. However, sometimes there are too many UI elements that aren't necessary for the Confluence page. Is there a way to configure the...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to update/insert an element into a confluence database element through the API V2, and it looks like this is not possible. Is it? Available databases API V2 E...
I am starting to develop some simple databases in Confluence and there is some functionality that I am struggling to find. In particular, I am using the 'Entry Link' field type to display i...
Hello, we have recently started using databases. This is amazing feature,. absolute lovely. However I have two questions on usage and limitations. 1) You create a database which is somehow s...
Hi Folks, We're currently work on a few workflows we're evaluating using automations and databases. As far as I understand, and as I can see the only thing you can do with databases...
...wanted to continue to use Confluence Databases. The Databases make things very easy but currently displaying the data is a little clunky.
...As a result, I am stuck with it showing a tag field, which doesn't help identify the referenced row. I've tried this with multiple databases, others in our organization have tried, and we've w...
Are there plans to integrate Confluence Databases and other Confluence macros such as table toolbox? I see the potential for replacing tables that are used in joins using the table transformer m...
...atabase impossible 🥲 Revert/ Backup? Since I'd like to restore or backup the data - is there a way to disable the error or retrieve a previous state? Currently it renders the work I have used Databases...
My Confluence Databases (which I have been using since it was a third party app, Orderly Databases) were recently migrated (by Atlassian) from Alpha to the release version and moved into the c...
Dear Community, So the Confluence databases beta is out for a couple of weeks and there is surprisingly little chatter about it here, which lead me to do a lot of problem solving and discovering m...
I am currently playing around with Confluence databases in beta and for us especially the ability to aggregate data from different databases into one is especially interesting. To test this, I set e...
To better help answer all of your questions effectively, we want to record some answers to frequently asked questions. We'll keep this FAQ updated as things change. FAQ: ⍰ Public d...
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