Hello, I am dipping my toe into Confluence databases and have a question. Is there a way to import the field definitions for a database? I am starting with the import of a CSV file that has about 3...
I was thinking to use a confluence data base as a way to capture a mapping between, project rollout, features, tech components, and process steps. In doing so I wanted to also in...
Hi Community! 👋 'Just put it in a database' is often the default answer for quality management documentation. But what if we think differently about data organization in Confluence? After e...
Pie charts are one of the most popular visualization charts for presenting data in an easy-to-understand, proportion-based format. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best practices fo...
I have an page with an embedded database showing a specific entry. I don't want this view of the data to contain all of the database fields. Has anyone found a way to hide the fields in an e...
Hi team, Would you please let us know what is the next compatible version of the Microsoft SQL DB ( Microsoft SQL 16 installed DB version is SP 13.00.7024 ), for both the servers “JI...
I feel this is a no-brainer to be completely honest but it seems this has to be said. I see a lot of people asking for different features on databases, like comments and things which for the s...
Looking to create a master database containing assets from different business units/areas. Each business area has their own confluence space, seperate to mine where the master database will be s...
Is there any way to lock individual columns in a database so that you only give access to the fields that you want to open for edit? For example, I have a large database that has some i...
Can I create a Database Template where the fields are locked but I can update the data pulled from Jira? I want to be able to re-use a database structure but update the data pull f...
Is there a way to do a comparison of Jira backup XML files between two Jira environments that should be identical? We would want to identify any differences in the two environments easily but o...
In collaborative environments, database integrity is critical for ensuring accurate information and seamless workflows. However, mistakes can happen, and sometimes a database entry might be a...
I made a database that imports a list of tickets from Jira. This database has numerous custom columns (ie data not from the Jira import). I want to be able to keep the same layout and c...
...ften resorted to what I call “Forbidden JIRA Administration”. This involves direct database edits and other unconventional techniques to solve problems Jira’s native tools cannot handle. While these m...
Hello! I was wondering if it's possible to do the following with a Confluence automation rule: If a new page is published, then create entry in existing database with link to page. If not t...
Hi all, I enabled a Confluence space to be public. I want to share a database in this Confluence space publicly but, when opening the link to the database from an unauthenticated browser session, t...
We are looking into possible solutions for an easy-to-manage Glossary for the whole company. Databases seem ideal since adding entries is easy, we have the option to add synonyms and related terms, a...
Hi everybody, is it possible to use a confluence page as a front for a confluence database? or is it just tables and cards? I need to build an extensive FAQ space, where each question has around 8...
I made a template a few months ago that had a view of a database embedded within it, very handy. But now when I try to do the same thing with a new template, the "embed database" command seems to h...
Hi! Newbie here. Currently, users cannot view or download PDFs from the database table; the files are inaccessible in the page tree and individual entry views. I’ve confirmed this issue through t...
Hello everyone, I've got a question about Confluence databases: Do you think it's possible to fill in the database with data collected into Confluence pages. More details: I've got a f...
I'm trying to embed a database on a Confluence page and have multiple people enter data. I'd like to know how many people can update/insert data at the same time, and what happens if more than that n...
Confluence databases is a great feature but ... I have only worked with it on a very small scale and limited, but there are already a number of very annoying hickups. Seems to me to be more of a b...
...romote the use of confluence databases in our confluence environment but still experience quite a few issues
I started using Atlassian database and looking for below features. Wondering if Atlassian can respond to this question please Option to merge cells from two rows Re-Enable 'new-line' f...
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