First time trying to create Database with intention of creating a centralised change log for all pages in Confluence - unsure if there's a better way, but I can't even 'Create' the DB? Selecting t...
Hello I am trying to sell the idea of Confluence Databases internally as an alternative to the light quick-and-dirty spreadsheets that gets cobbled together every so often. For us, we quite o...
I have been using Databases more and more, and generally am loving it, however I notice frequently there is very serious lagging whenever I pull up a Database page. I notice it when I am trying to s...
We have been using a Database page to track issues/bugs with a system that we use. There are currently about 170 rows with about 20 columns in this database. Last night, we noticed that the database...
Dear Community, I am scratching my head about something: I am looking for all filters to find outdated onces. I tried 2 approaches: 1. SQL (table searchrequest) 2. Java API (via SearchRequestMana...
I created a Confluence Database and used the connection to Confluence by entering a keyword and updated "Anytime" to get a list of Confluence pages. It worked well and I get a list of all pages w...
I want a list of jiras created against each issue type under all the project from jan 2024. I am using below sql but it doesn't return list of those issue types where no jira was created from above m...
Hello I made a database for my team and now after a year we have 50+ entries in the database but recently experienced some bugs that prevent the full use of the database. For context: We use t...
I have a two Confluence databases 1. Schemata. This is the parent table to the Tables database and I have already populated it. 2. Tables This is the "logical" child database of Schemata. I want t...
I created a dabase for projects and used page link to add the projects directly from the database. for the first 104 entries the page would always show the Entry Link on the beginning of the page s...
I tried to add Database using import from JIRA. I am not able to select any other fields other than the ones listed (Type, Key, Summary, Assignee, Priority, Status , updated). I need to a...
When using a text field in the new confluence cloud database, the spell check shows the error but doesn't pull up a correction.
I created a new Confluence database page with a JQL: > project in (aaa, bbb, ccc) OR parent in (aaa-123, bbb456, ccc-789) When I added new tasks against an epic, I was hoping that they w...
As a company who has purchased Confluence Cloud Premium, and have activated IP-allow listing for anonymous read-access to Pages: I would like an anonymous user to be able to view Confluence Database...
Hello, I would like to find out if a really old version of Confluence (v3.2.1) is compatible with an Oracle DB (v 19c). We currently have an Oracle DB version 10g. We are forced to...
Hello, We recently have changed our jira instance URL. However, the avatar_URL is still pointing on the last URL making it impossible to show a user's avatar. I need help with sql query to up...
Hello dear community, we have moved our team from an Excel to a Cloud Confluence Database to make the Reko documentation there. The question is whether there is a way to create a personal filter o...
I am new to Confluence Databases, but I have a use case where we want to have a repository of best practices that users use for different projects. We want to use Databases as a repository t...
...olution that leverages creating a lessons learned template and the Confluence database feature? Or something similar?
Some of our users have stumbled upon the somewhat recently released database feature for Confluence Cloud, but ran into a few issues with exporting that data again. Is there a way of changing the d...
Hi! I created a database in Confluence, and my teammates use it to track issues in our project. There are multiple fields, but we haven’t found a way to navigate and fill in the different fields v...
Hi There, Within a confluence database, I have a field called "Service Expiry" I want to setup an automation that will check the the database entries where the service expiry date is p...
I'm facing an issue when starting Jira. The system fails to initialize due to missing tables in the database, which prevents Jira from launching properly. I've checked the logs and they indicate t...
Hello, I just started using databases in Confluence and I wonder if there is an autoincrement function available for fields of type numbers. I was not able to find anything about such a function b...
When I embed a database in my confluence page, I get not one, but two vertical scrollbars. I do not mind the inner one to scroll through the values, but the outer scrollbar just scrolls for a tiny a...
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