Hi There, I need your help to understand to go ahead with Jira 7.6.0 upgrade on Jira Data Center on AWS? How can I fix this to make sure it will be available for 7.6.0 as well?? Than...
I have been trying to set up a demo Data Center instance. It's on Azure, not that I think that matters. I did NOT use the Azure Data Center Marketplace Template. I wanted to set everything up manuall...
We have HipChat Data Center for collaboration and use BlackBerry Enterprise Server middleware. Will the HipChat mobile apps for iOS and Android work with HipChat Data Center if they h...
JIRA admin Regression Testing (Pardon me if this has been answered in a different context) But here is my situation. We are planning to deploy Jira to AWS and have to prepare for regression testin...
At Atlassian, we consider ourselves a "data informed" company. Whenever there is a decision to be made, we first try to see what the data is telling us we should do. This is true across every de...
We've installed two confluence at one windows web server as a service, (use 8090, 8092 port) one MSSQL DB server with two category . Each confluence started without problem. but sometimes one conf...
I see the Smart Mirror plugin works between a Bitbucket Data Center instance and a Bitbucket Server Instance. Can you do it between two Data Center instances? Thanks
As it is said in the Confluence 6.8 Read Only mode information here : " For testing purposes you can enable this dark feature and try it out on a Server instance, but the finished feature ...
Hello community! Does someone try to use BGP as load balancer? We use BGP as a load balancer and NGINX as middleware between BGP and JIRA for caching purpose. The problem is the session. Jir...
Hi all, I wrote a irule to divert all external rest api traffic to a particular node. But, dont know how to test it. Can someone please help me with that ?
Hello everyone, I'm attempting to deploy a JIRA Software Server license on AWS, and keep getting blocked by the license page telling me that I need a data center license. Is there no w...
As mentioned at the end of last year, we have been working towards improving our feature suggestion process. Our efforts are driven by your need for increased clarity and tra...
Hi I want o divert rest api calls from external applications to a particular node. We are using F5 load balancer. I wrote a irule for this. Can someone certify whether it is correct or not? ...
Hello! I'm trying to do this article (https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/missing-sla-data-in-jira-servicedesk-828790603.html), but I received a blank page. I'm using JIRA DATA CENTER
{ "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure", "message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.", "details": [ { "code": "VMExtensionProv...
We have a 4 node Jira data centre instance that has been in use for over 6 months. 2 nodes became unresponsive. Looking in the server log files there were no error messages and we could see Jira was...
We are currently on JIRA Server and Service Desk, we need HIPAA compliance. Are the Data Center version HIPAA compliant?
Hi, I'm currently working on setting up a bitbucket data center using the trial version of the product for a proof of concept. The issue I'm encountering is that creating a repo is failing. I'm able...
Hi, I have setup BitBucket DataCenter v5.6 on AWS. User -> ELB ->3 nodes -> NFS, RDS and ElasticSearch 3 nodes share same NFS shared directory When I hit the ELB url, request is ...
Hi, I have installed jira data center 7.6.0 as shown in https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver073/installing-jira-data-center-861253059.html in AWS. when i kept cluster.proper...
HI, as we are using Windows as a Server running Jira and I could not find a description how to mount a shared drive using Wndows Server I would like to know the best practice for mounting the ...
Hopefully by now you have seen our articles about Data Center best practices. What other topics would you like us to prioritize as we continue expanding the library? 📚
Currently, in the middle of implementing Confluence Data Center. In regards to implementing SSL using the SSL termination methodology, the traffic looks like: User --https--> Load Balancer ...
I have Confluence Data Center, and setup was extremely easy for SAML on vesion 6.4.2. I am now in the middle of upgrading Jira DC to 7.5.2, and do not find the option for SAML setup.  ...
Enterprise releases are now called Long Term Support releases As of June 29th, 2020, Enterprise releases are now called Long Term Support releases. The security bug fix policy for these rel...
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