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×Which is better cloud service for hosting datacenter: aws or azure ? Is there metrics whats the preferred by majority of companies ?
I am a developer of Awesome Graphs from the StiltSoft team. We are in the process of making the app compatible with the new Data Center program. For this purpose, we used the Performance Testing Fra...
Can someone help with How to set up Server to Data Center Step-by Step documentation
Can someone help me how to configure the Data Center Application server
According to Jira data center installation guide (https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver076/installing-jira-data-center-945110812.html), I have to copy the "logos" directory to the shared h...
Hi I am working on upgrading and moving the Jira, Confluence and Crowd to Data Centre version to enable the High Availability in application. In current setup, there is Jira version 7.3. Co...
We installed JIRA Data Center version 7.9.1 on Azure. It's throwing an error on Internet Explorer 11 but working on Chrome. Version 7.8.2 is working on both the browsers.
Hi all, I have installed and configured the latest version of Hipchat Data Center. Everything is up and running. We currently have been using Slack, but and going to switch everyone over to H...
Hello everyone . I have found the following documentation about Traffic Distribution with atlassian data center. And I want to route all REST API traffic to node 4 , but using Apache as Load Balancer...
What is an instance in JIRa stands for? Every single user or a project with n number of users?
After following the instructions located at https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/moving-from-data-center-to-server-938042866.html and starting Confluence again, die Web UI shows Confluence had proble...
I'm a JIRA Admin that's recently been tasked with a fairly large projects. I am working with a company that has approximately 17-20 different JIRA instances across their organization. Some Server (at...
Hello Everyone, I have question regarding the Jira Data Center Architecture. I want to know how many maximum nodes can we add to Jira Data center Architecture. Is there any limitation from atl...
Our installation vendor gave us no run book, is there a way to tell the data architecture model for our specific instance? Data Center with Jira, Confluence, & Bitbucket
Hello All, I just wanted to know if jira data center version support same API specification as of jira server rest apis? Going to use a clustered one than from a common jira server. can there be an...
Hi everyone, I need to do issue bulk change betwenn two different projects. But when I start to do this change some request fields look messy or doesn't appers. The first project uses a, b and c re...
Holger - love the add-on but all of a sudden we are experiencing JIRA Indexing issues. Have attempted both system-wide re-indexing as well as project-specific re-indexing and yet on "some" projects t...
How would we know that the JIRA being used is hosted on a standalone server or data center or cloud? Is there a a way of recognizing?
All, I have been beating my head in to this for the last 2 days and am finally reaching out for help. This is a greenfield Confluence Data Center install with 2 standalone Synchrony nodes.&nbs...
I've a confluence cluster env. with 2 nodes. Everything works fine when I start only the first node, but when I start the second one, I'm getting this error: HTTP Status 500 - com.atlassian.vcache....
Hello Team, white trying to bulk edit issues in Jira ,We are getting timed out error, I noticed that If we start Bulk edit in one node(Eg-Node1) after some time it will automatically switch to anot...
It has been suggested I use an existing ELK stack as the search engine for a Bitbucket DC deployment. Have you use ELK and if so, what are the good and bad points of doing so? Any particu...
@Jeff_Douglas's career started in his Dad's garage in Jacksonville and eventually evolved into him becoming the Director of Software Development at Colorvision. Enjoy the following Show...
We have followed the documentation and the wizard regarding setting up Jira in Azure. However we get the 502 response. I don't have much Azure knowledge but following this guide: ...
Hello everybody, we have jira service desk 3.2.3 (based on Jira 7.2) and confluence installed on the same unix server and connected on the same DBMS Postgresql 9.2 (everything in the same server). ...
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