...QL, you can back those projects or issues up. 💾 No export limitation → Get an export of your projects or issues in CSV formats Choose the delimiter of the CSV file export e.g. comma (, ), s...
I am trying to update one field for thousands of existing issues in a team-managed project on Jira cloud. I have admin access and am using External System Import with a CSV file. I have s...
When I export to CSV from Atlas, the Work Tracking Link is blank for most rows, despite being populated in Atlas itself. It's not across the board - I do have one entry with a link populated....
I have read several threads about it but I cannot get it to work. Exactly which fields should use I how? Ideally, I would like to import a single CSV that contains both Stories and Epics. Thanks!
I'm trying to update the Parent of existing issues via CSV importer in External System Importer. The importing page states: "To import child-parent relationships, define the column mapping for: I...
...otice that there is a way to export a csv file from the Atlassian Cloud admin page with all user information including the needed user IDs. This happens within seconds, then I get this file sent to m...
...xport in csv should then only contain this data. Thank you in advance.
I have an existing project in Jira with issues. Let's say it's ABC-1 thru ABC-10. I need to import a csv using the External System Import function. I need this CSV to capture any updates to ABC-1 t...
I've created an Epic and now based on a CSV file i want to create a huge set of stories that are all having 2 sub tasks. How do i make my csv so that the sub tasks are linked to the stories &n...
...n company-managed projects with the Parent field (Find the Details) Additional columns are now required in the CSV import process when linking the existing issues or creating new ones. H...
Hello, Is it possible to display color rows and cells from a "Table from CSV"? I don't see colors I have selected from CSV file in Excel. Thank you
Hello I've noticed this sad notification on the "Import from CSV" page, when wanting to import issues from CSV. I feel like I've trawled through all my many inboxes, spoken to my fellow a...
Hello, I'd like some help to know how to referral users when importing a CSV file into Jira Cloud, specially if it would be wether using their e-mail or their Account ID. Thanks!
When I do a CSV export of all of the issues by assignee, I get a column with the name "Custom field (Time in Status)" and the values all look something like this: "13572_*:*_1_*:*_1203385987_*|*_...
Iam trying to import some tickets through a csv file to a project in a JSM. But unfortunately, the summary field don't appear for selection (from - to) on JIRA. I would like to know how can I...
I have a copy of attachments from different Jira Instance and I want to import them using CSV Importer to my instance JIRA DC. I couldn't find information how to set property path for file w...
Hello everyone, My team and I are currently working on introducing Assets into our requests. As of now we are able to import a csv uploaded directly from our computers, but as our company is G-S...
Hello Jira community, When i export a CSV file with all fileds, the name of the file is "Company name-JIRA YYY-MM-ddTHH_mm_ss-0500" by default. I would like to change it to another n...
Hi, Trying to update an existing issue from CSV, I've got unexpected result - the issue's field 'Epic' is cleared. Steps to reproduce: 1 Create issue. 2 Add Epic to the issue. 3 Update t...
I want to create a automation rule that creates +/- 100 recurring issues every month (monthly closing tasks for the finance department). Is there a way to import these issues once via csv to save t...
Hi, Im trying to help my team become more efficient by developing a csv upload template where they can put the assingee , a summary, comments without having to fill in the parent id, issue id or i...
Hi! Reading through some of your documentation (specifically here), it looks like you currently only support exporting native fields. We have upgraded our instance to the standard plan an...
I've seen several questions on how to import from CSV and retain or enforce formatting in, say, the Description or Acceptance Criteria field but none seem to work as expected. For example, t...
I have created a filter with a set of JSM tickets and for that filter I have included 1 specific SLA that we want in the report. When I export filter fields to CSV or Excel, for the SLA I get an u...
Hello, I'm currently migrating some values in a project, from an older custom field to a new one, using the CSV export-import. I exported the tickets from this very project, including the Project k...
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