Hi, I need to import epics into one of my existing projects. I'm able to perfectly map all CSV fields with epic fields, but I'm unable to map the 'Status' as it does not appear in the list. ...
And here we go again for another EXHAUSTING Jira issue that would literally be solved in 5 minutes with any other software... Enough ranting, let's get down to business... I've been using th...
Hi All, In the never-ending quest to reduce clicks I'd like to know if anyone has any tips or tricks to force a Permission Scheme (and even Workflow Schemes) when doing a CSV import of tasks via "Sys...
Hello everyone, I am trying to import some tickets into Jira and link them to an epic immediately during import. For testing purposes I exported data from 1 ticket (all fields) and tried to import ...
Hello, I am trying to do a CSV import to bring Epics, Stories and Subtasks in to a brand new project. There are no issues in the project yet. I did a validation and got some errors. So I creat...
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