...diting-jira-activity-stream-css). When I use this code in the announcement banner, I can hide the button by adding an css to the header of every iframe: AJS.$(document).ready(function() { AJS....
I have just started evaluating Confluence and I am having trouble in understanding how Confluence uses CSS. I can use the Space Adminstrator page to access the CSS and adjust the Heading styles, b...
I would like to customize all pages in Jira completely with my own css files. I have tried using the web resource plugin module but the css files are not placed in the bottom, thus they are o...
How is it possible to use CSS to reduct the space between the page "title" and the "added by" line
Dear all, this is something that really drives me mad... I do not have admin right for our company wide confluence wiki. I do have admin rights for my space and I have author rights. However,...
Hello, I am working a lot with PDF exports and I like the flexibility of using CSS to customize them. What I miss is a simple overview of what CSS properties do actually work with Confluence and w...
Hi, How can I call a Page Template in CSS in Confluence. I have created a page called 'Menu 2' in which I put simple html code to generate a top menu navigation bar. Now everytime I create a new C...
We've just started to evaluate Confluence & I've been given a few exported html files to see if we can work with it to achieve the layout/style we need. Initially I've got a custom HTML file us...
Hi I have just installed Jira on a Amazon Linux AMI and setup went fine and everything but now when I access it I have two questions: There are some CSS (?) issues which makes it hard/i...
Hi, I need only to modify the below embedded CSS styles (background color), I could not reach where to modify it,Is there any way? I have JIRA source, does scripts help to achieve this, any i...
I tried to find global-static.css file under '/atlassian-jira/stayle', however I failed to find it. So where this css file? ----------------------------------- I havn't found this css...
I added a TOC to my page but I want to change the color of the text so it is different than the other text on the page. I assume I have to use CSS but I have no idea what to add into the CSS s...
...he last year I've really wanted to change the font properties for the text content within the Activity Stream gadget, the Projects gadget and the Favourite Filters gadget. I know where the main css...
I am trying to add new fields in the details section of View Issue page. On the velocity page (/4.4.4/WEB-INF/classes/templates/jira/issue/summary/issuesummaryblock.vm) without referring any css f...
...ser macro and define custome CSS) described here: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/NoPrint+Example+of+a+User+Macro http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Advanced+PDF+Export+C...
I would like to indent or pad Header 3 is this possible using CSS? If so can an example of the code be provided?
Hi, I would like to change the font size in several places in Jira, mainly in the Issue View. So i tried to find the correct CSS file, which should have been Issue-view.css (the one in atlassian-j...
I've just completed the upgrade to 4.0.5, and have discovered that non-standard themes no longer get the global CSS changes. Here is a page using the default look and f...
Hi! I'm trying to apply CSS to the confluence using both the global stylesheet page and space-specific stylesheet pages. Nothing seems to have any effect! I'm testing with the following basic CSS...
...nyone tell me the most forward-compatible way to do the above, using vanilla confluence? We run 3.5, but will soon be upgrading to 4.0. Even just pointing me to Space Admin vs. Confluence Admin, custom CSS...
An example in the Confluence doc shows how to customize the PDF style sheet header so that the page title is at the top. Note that the content: for the title is a text string. Since this is done...
...askList in Confluence? P.S. I know css class described style of completed task is 'closed unlocked task with medium priority completed'. But i didn`t find any class like this to rewrite it in f...
...o the browser default and all margins and positioning go walkies (example CSS below). This is a real PITA for me, as I'm developing a templating system in our installation of Confluence (3.5) p...
Hello! I am trying to update my teams Confluence space which is a part of a larger Confluence site. I have been tinkering with the CSS on the Easy Reader Theme but I am unable to find a good r...
I get this question a lot so I'll seed it here :) Where can I find documentation for AUI (Atlassian UI), eg. dialog, dropdown, messages, etc?
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