...f the current cluster. You should check network connections between cluster nodes, especially multicast traffic. We have a 2 node Oracle RAC and we are running a clustered version of Confluence v2.10...
Hello, I would like to use the REST API for communicate with JIRA. For example, I want to create an issue, so I must to connect to a JIRA server. I don't know how to do. I use Java language. I se...
I have a Confluence 4.3.5 install that I'm testing and I get the following error when doing a test remote directory connection: Test user can authenticate : Failed Write operations are not a...
Hi all, I would like to simulate a user connection in my java class (for my jira service). I mean, i want to set a local context to have administrator rights to do some actions : I use the P...
I would like to link Confluence content with JIRA issues but I do not find a way to do so. Is it possible using Ondemand services or should I have a local host version?
...ffects with an connection error which occurs while updating any plugin nor installing new one, as following: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect As I presume, the network p...
We have our test environment setup as follows: JIRA and Confluence are setup on the same server box. Thus both apps will share their machine's ip (except for the port numbers are). I've configur...
Hi, Can anyone help me, how can I connect to the JIRA tool with Eclipse BIRT inorder to fetch the 'created/solved/open' issues in the selected project which reside in JIRA. The fetched data in the ...
...ersions. In Crucible we defined for every svn project an own project. Problem: The connection between JIRA and Crucible is based on a one-to-one relationship between projects. It is not p...
Can I access the hosted Jira studio using the Klaros connection, Do I require the jira system administrator pcredentials to authenticate?
Hi there, we're currently evaluating Jira & Confluence for Intranet use. Our Admin logged connection attempts to the Internet - Which is against policy. My Question: Is this only the P...
The following error message appears in the Source tab of one of the tickets: This list of changesets may be incomplete, as errors occurred retrieving changesets from the following repositories: ...
Getting the following error while trying to connect to Oracle database in crucible. The database is not using Unicode. Crucible requires that the database uses a UTF8 encoding to support internaliz...
Hello, We have Jira 4.4 installed and a colleague of mine tried to connect it with confluence (via O'auth / Application links). It didn't worked out so we've decided to use the internal DB of Jira...
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