I would like to find users who have not logged in within a certain time. Is there a way to list users that way? There is a 'Confluence Users Summary' macro which claims to do this, but t...
Hi Team I was testing the newly released Confluence LTS 8.5 for our next upgrade. The new version has some cool features/UI like space/site re-indexing. Space/Site import, new emojis, etc However...
The easy guide to creating tabs in Confluence 🚨 Please note: this guide is for Confluence Cloud. Data Center users can enjoy tabs as part of Mosaic for Data Center ...
Hello everybody, i try to get the approvers email address from the metadata. I try doing it wit this code {set-metadata:MD/CA HFK bei red. Änderungen}@user@{set-metadata} but i only ...
Hi! One of our users was deactivated and org admin has no option to restore it. Can anyone help? We don't know both: why user was deactivated how to reactivate his account P.S. I am Org Admin...
Hello Atlassian Community! I'm Alex, a product manager on Atlassian’s Enterprise Cloud team. Exciting news! Starting with the September monthly bundled releases, we're reducing the release timefr...
Hello Folks, Hope you're all settled in with your beverage of choice, because we're about to dive into a realm that holds the keys to your digital security. As we've all heard, the passwords ar...
Strong passwords are necessary to protect your accounts, but it is important to be aware that they can still be vulnerable to hacking attempts. Fortunately, miniOrange's Two Factor Authentication (2F...
...ctivity X pages viewed, X whiteboards created Content management bulk archive jobs run, X new labels used Feature activity automation jobs run, public links created App a...
Hey Community! I am hoping someone has a lead on any Training content or courses that is either specific to or includes content specific to Administering an Enterprise License (versus Standard/Premi...
Hello everyone, I have a diverse range of countries in my dataset, and I'm looking for a way to implement a filter that allows me to generate separate reports for each country. Could someone guide me...
Summer is here, Team 2023 is over, and new tools, processes, and changes abound! Please join us for a summer happy hour / networking event and chance to connect with your fellow Jira and Confluence a...
Our users identify importance levels through `space management - decorate - headers`. My boss want to know our whole space`s importance levels. Where can I export this data? Or which app could heip m...
Hey everyone, trying to stay positive but looking for some feedback from my peers. Hoping this post doesn't get me in trouble. I'm challenged to word this in a positive manner and keeping...
Dear Community, Is there a way to restrict systemadmins from viewing a confluence page in Data Center? I found some content that there should be a possibility to restrict systemadmins from viewing ...
Hello everyone! My name is Sandra, I am new to the Atlassian Community and University club but not to using JIRA. In fact, as a Senior Business Analyst & Quality Assurance Software Tester, I've ...
As a content editor or space administrator responsible for your company’s Confluence, you’re delighted to see that your team is creating tons of new pages and content. But with so many people accessi...
...To maintain control over who can access your page, you can restrict permissions the moment you've created a new page. Limit access to draft content or share a public page purely with internal staff u...
Dear Community! I am currently working on Confluence data center, planning to migrate to the cloud within the year. Is the "administrators" group in Confluence Cloud equivalent to the super group...
What do enterprises struggle with in content review workflows, notifications, and automated archiving for Confluence Cloud? The EAP of Better Content Archiving for Confluence Cloud confirmed som...
How can I disable space blueprint? Ive already disabled all space blueprints from global templates and blueprints. This used to work before the UI changed. Previously the only option was blank spac...
Global Permissions - Confluence Global permissions page in Confluence Cloud Confluence Cloud, Server, and Data Center have the following global permissions. In Cloud the...
Global Permissions - Jira Jira Cloud, Server, and Data Center have the following global permissions. While the naming (and capitalization) between deployment types differs slightly, the capabilitie...
Global Permissions While we’re talking about admins and user types, let’s also briefly discuss the highest permission level. Note: Cloud free plan users will need to upgrade to lever...
Who does what? (continued again) Project and Space Administrators In addition to system/application admins, individual Jira projects and Confluence spaces can have one or more administrators. ...
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