Hello! I find this solution - https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Database+Setup+for+Oracle But in file <install>/conf/server.xml not find any DataSource. How fix ?
can we do a bulk change on the pages to change the owner of all the pages in a confluence space?
Hi Folks, I am migrating a machine - can I batchupload the plugins or do I have to upload each one manually ? (no internet access)
Hello, Using Confluence 4.2.3 - is it possible to add Global template creation privileges to groups without system-administrator permissions? There are several admin tasks I'd like to assign to a ...
Is there any macro which shows the list of all spaces with respecive admins?
1) Just a simple list of anyone having Space Admin permissions 2) Listing of all spaces and space admins together Thanks!
Hi, I initiated the on demand confluence instance and have been managing/admininstering it for our company. I cannot access/modify the default System Administrator account and I need to do this b...
Hello,guys, Now I want to publish our confluence wiki from the Intranet to Internet. while I failed several times. I used a sub_site IP address to map the Intranet IP,but it always can't skip to t...
we used to have plugin "Confluence usage stats" (Confluence Usage Tracking Plugin) in confluence working OK, last week the unix server has problem and confluence was restarted, then users got the fol...
We're using confluence 4.2 in a company. In scheduled jobs "jobs scheduledjob.desc.summaryEmail" took about 30 minutes and it runs hourly by default? I'm curious what this is for and coul...
in Confluence 3.5...
I have a space that has opened a branch with permission to the group confluence-users (where they can only view and comment) and another branch visible only to a specific group. The problem that happ...
Is JIRA/Confluence plans to add support for the versions JDK 1.7?
I know there is a page history to look back and see what changes were recently made on that particular page, is there something available for the site history jus to see what pages were recently upda...
We are consolidating 2 wiki's into a Confluence 4.0.3 installation, and I wanted to confirm with support the best way of doing that; one of the wiki's is Confluence 2.10.2, and the other a MediaWiki,...
We have a space where the information is a combination of public and private information. Is it possible to set up the space so that all new pages created in the space have a veiw restriction set, b...
Hi all, We are upgrading to Confluence 4.0.5 from 2.9. (using ldap without crowd due to large ldap system) I would like to create some test user accounts and test Confluence 4 features. The adm...
Hello, im trying to get list of admin for each space. But without success. This is my inspiration: http://come2niks.com/?p=821 I using sql plugin with SELECT DISTINCT T2.SPACENAME, T1.PERMUSE...
You know how sometimes you feel like you know something but can't find the actual data...this is one of those times. I can't find, either in General Configuration, or in any Space Admin, a way to s...
We have a large Confluence 3.2.1 instance (5 GB database, 65 GB attachments) running on Windows 2003 32-bit server and MSSQL 2005. We'd like to migrate to RedHat 5.x or 6.x, probably with Oracle data...
Hello, We've been testing an upgrade from Jira 4.1.1 to 4.4.1 and Confluence 3.2.1_01 to 3.5.13. One problem we're encountering is that the Jira groups are not appearing in Confluence. The Jira...
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