For incident trend detection, I need to identify patterns. Is it possible to create a custom field ‘Pattern Tag’ in Jira settings? Can it be automatically populated using Jira Automat...
Hi, I am creating an event (E) to be occur at a future date and I want the subtasks to reflect SLAs that are back calculated from this event date (E-5 days or E-2 days). Any help would ...
Hi there, I have an e-mail automation set up that sends a list of items out each week based on an issue filter. Rather than just paste the raw filet into the body of the e-mail, i would like ...
Hello, I'm in the process of trying to create an automation that will give us visibility into how far off our teams estimates are from the actual time spent during development. Everything is working ...
Hi, I started with this article: And imported the rule provided there to Jira as JSO...
Hello everyone ! I'm trying to create, where if I change the start date of an issue for the issue linked, it should change the start date with the same number of days than the parent link.&nbs...
I want to use Automation to add a Watcher to an issue if the Component field includes an item that contains a certain string. For example, the Component field may contain the following four items: ...
Hi, I've been struggling with an automation rule for a couple of days now. Most of it works but creating a variable and succesfully using it as a smart value has some unexpected outc...
What I want When a Component is removed from a Story / Bug I want to transition any linked Issues (of a certain link type) that also have the removed Component. remove the Component(s) in...
I'm attempting to expand on an automation that I have where, when Field A = 123, it sets two other fields with similar values. However, since this is a one way automation where you need to fill...
Hello, When I create a new ticket, I would like to recover data from 5 custom fields from another related on ticket. My two ticket are linked by a "related on" dependencie. My 5 custom fields are th...
Hi, our company uses both Confluence and Jira Cloud. I don't know if this is a Confluence or a Jira issue. I got a "hint" from Confluence today when I published a minutes of meeting page that an au...
I am able to automate the cloned issues, but those are not with sequence as of parent issue. EP-101 EP-102 EP-103 EP-104 Result after cloning EP-105 EP-107(Clone of EP-103) EP-10...
Hi! I want to create subtasts automatically but only once. I created a rule to create several subtastks with the "manual" trigger. The problem is that I wanted to add a condition so the subta...
Hello everyone ! I hope you are doing great ! I'm quite lost here on the update of my automation... To give you more insight, we were using field to plan our estimate Delivery ...
I'm trying to set an automation rule that will copy the current assignee on a JPD idea and add them as a watcher. I see an action for manage watcher is available, but can only select a static ...
Hello, In our company, we want to automate the calculation of resolution time in business days. (without weekends, and local free days). the diff function give us the total duration and not b...
I use Jira Releases for managing releases of our product. Wanted to understand how to prevent adding new issues to a Released Fix versions. We do not want any new items to be added to a fix version ...
Creo una incidencia automatica los dias Viernes 16:15 hs cada 6 semanas. Relleno los campos que me pide, pero al momento de crear la regla no lo hace. Y cuando voy a la auditoria de la regla me da es...
As you can see in the snapshot. Before using .html every line was showing * mark. But now few lines show * mark. Can we remove this somehow
In one of our service management projects, we have multiple customer organizations. There is a main client customer organization, along with a few of their partners, each having their own organiza...
I want to establish my due date to the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Do I need to put it as a smart value? (if so, can someone help me create the text for it) can someone help me please
Hello, I was not able to figure out if there is a way to archive the personal spaces of deactivated users. Maybee on deactivation or weekly over all users / spaces... Any hints / ideas?
Hi, Archiving issues is available for Premium and Enterprise customers. Is it possible to automatically archive issues via Jira automation, such as after X days from their resolution?
We are using Jira Cloud and leveraging forms in a business project to handle requests. Here's the current workflow: Users submit a request via a form, selecting the requ...
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