...bsp; Environment: "QA" I am encountering an issue where the YAML validates in Bitbucket validator passes successfully. However, when running the p...
Admin email change new email verification mail not receiving from bitbucket
I want to Reorder the list of choices for linked issue type - i.e. Not Blocked first but make the 3rd choice in the list. I don't see a way to do that.
I'm getting the "We couldn’t log you in" page when attempting to sign into my account. None of the recommended steps to resolve this have worked. This account has had a long period of inactivity, wh...
We acquired a company a few years ago, and they have continued using their own instance of Atlassian products instead of migrating to ours. At this time, there are no plans to migrate. Unfortunately...
Hi Team, We were using bitBucket as a code repo as well as for pipelines. our admin <redacted for privacy> now is changed to <redacted for privacy>. We no longer have access to <r...
Hi there! I'm trying to use the chatgpt pr review pipe and it fails with "too many tokens in your message (over 128000)" whenever I edit a large file. The file is an sql dump of test data and genera...
My bitbucket has 6 users and I ama tryng to delete the previous owner / admin of it, as they left our company. When trying to remove it, I get an error popup in the lower left of the s...
Hello, I've been trying to access bitbucket in different browsers and using incognito mode but I'm always getting this error message. I have tried incognito mode, clearing cache and v...
I have raised two PR from same source branch, if one of the build fails. we are not able to merge PR with success build. I have enabled "Minimum number of successful builds for the last commit with ...
Hello everyone, Im using bitbucket script runner and i need to use a API for checking default reviewers so im using an API request which demands my password. When giving the password in the s...
Hi I have reached the limit of 50 webhooks for my Project: https://bitbucket.org/workspace-id/repo-slug/admin/webhooks Could I have more webhooks please? Thanks in advance Best r...
hello, i wasn't able to find any similar report to this. when browsing some repo files and after hitting CTRL + F to search something within the file, the icons show broken: thanks,
Hi Everyone... am passing the custom jira variable to trigger the bitbucket pipeline from jira.... below is the payload: { "target": { "ref_type": "branch", "type": "p...
Hi! I have several repositories on Bitbucket, but I'm having issues cloning some of them. It seems I cannot clone repositories that haven't been updated since 2020. When I try to clone r...
Hi, Atlassian support team. While I was configuring the CI/CD here, I realized that in COMMAND section, new assigned variables like CURRENT_BRANCH and TARGET_REF here are always empty. Here is ...
Getting 401 error while generating bitbucket connect app jwt token I am using recommended package for js. code block: import * as atlassianJwt from 'atlassian-jwt'; import a...
Hello, I cannot login to bitbucket. probably my account is innactive. Can you activate it? login: <redacted for privacy> email: <redacted for privacy> Thanks
I'm running into an issue where my main branch is keep changing to a feature branch once a Pull Request is merged. Can someone please help me? I've tried even creating a whole new setup of repositori...
To get the current version of the Linux runner, I can pull `docker-public.packages.atlassian.com/sox/atlassian/bitbucket-pipelines-runner`. So any time I deploy a new Linux build machine or pod, I c...
I have a PR that I need to update the target branch in. I click the current target branch, then in the Branch dropdown, choose the new target branch, then click the checkmark. This pops a confirmatio...
Hi there I'm using the following script to deploy ```yml image: node:20 pipelines: branches: main: - step: name: Build & Deploy runs-on: - self.hosted - marvis.clien...
All my repos are missing from this workspace. I don't see any of them.
...ize '16x' in your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file is outside the allowed range. Please specify one of '1x', '2x', '4x' or '8x'. Please advise on what is wrong or how to diagnose this issue, I'm c...
I've received an email with an invitation link to a bitbucket repository. Sadly I have problems logging in. I've tried both Google-Chrome and Firefox yesterday and today. No Success. My a...
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