Hi, After enable "Use SSL" in the configuration of LDAP User Directory, I run quick test before save the configuration. But that does not work. I have the following error message : ...
I'm trying to use the atlassian-python-api to manage may Bitbucket projects and repositories and I'm running into an issue where it says I don't have permission. I created my HTTP access token with p...
After the trial license is applied, it states that the repository templates are not enabled. When I click on the Enable button, the action fails as none of the modules is enabled, a message st...
Hi All, We are planning to configure Bitbucket DataCenter in our On-prem and also we are looking to have the physical server for the same. May i know, Server pre-request to have around 500 bictbucke...
I'm using bitbucket 9.18.5 in a isolated network. I got to manage apps and get a proxy error (we have an app installed). The instructions I've found have told me to fix this to igno...
When working with BB push event payload (webhook), if a push event contains multiple commits, only the most recent commit shows up under 'changes' section. I'm using bitbucketserver0721 so I wo...
Hi team, We are in the process of upgrading our Bitbucket from sever to Data centre. While I was going through the upgrade steps, there was a step where we have to upgrade our apps that are on sever...
We can't upgrade git to version 2.34 because some old repositories complain about broken references. So, it fails with fatal error when pushing git notes refs to the server, but no errors when cloni...
I would like to know when the {{commit_messages}} special variable will be available for Pull request description templates in Bitbucket Data Center. I can see it is available in Bitbucket Cloud as ...
as a preface, I'm not super knowledgeable on Bitbucket or Linux. The issue is that I am currently trying to start up a new Bitbucket server. With Windows support ending we are leaving ...
Hi all, I'm using Bitbucket server v7.21.21. We have created webhook in bitbucket and they get triggered for example when a PR is merged. I wondered if there is a way to get notified when a we...
How could we implement customize password policy for Bitbucket. In case we want to have complex password policy like 4 numeric and 4 alphanumeric and be in line of our password policy ? We are using ...
Hi, I am working on a bitbucket server/data center incoming application link. I am developing locally so I have bitbucket server running in docker via http behind a caddy proxy, that termina...
Hi All I have an audit requirement to upgrade OS to Redhat8.7 . I was provided a new, clean server from infra team since they can not upgrade the OS on the original server. How can I transfer...
Hi, With Crucible, it's possible to have multiple repositories within a code review. As Crucible is now under 'basic maintenance' we're currently trialling Bitbucket. It doesn't seem like this fea...
TL;DR: please, could you tell me a relatively quick, easy way to set Bitbucket (Server v5.13.0) to either be completely inaccessible, or to be read-only mode, for all Bitbucket users, but witho...
I have downloaded the zip file from git repository and extracted it via script. I want to update some files using script and upload it to the bitbucket repository. I cant find an API to upload multi...
Imagine you have 500 pull requests in open state, out of which 400 are in Draft state and 100 only are ready for review. So when a pull request gets merged, bitbucket server does rescoping again on ...
Although I can log in to Bitbucket and Atlassian, I can't log in to Sourcetree because I've tried too many times before. how can I overcome this?
Is there a way to send email to all Bitbucket users (ala system maintenance, etc.?) Are there other channels for this kind of information?
We have a script in UI fragments to insert additional tests to the merge messages before merge. We do see the texts being inserted to the merge message edit box. But those texts disappear after the p...
Hello, We are implementing SSO using the latest version of the SSO plugin from Atlassian using SAML integrated with EntraID (fka Azure AD). We are always receiving the following error: 2024-05-16 ...
Does Bitbucket support SAML and Entra ID as identity provider for Data Center?
I'm working on a PreRepositoryHook plugin that performs static analysis on pushed code. Sometimes the analysis takes a long time, so the output from the analysis should be sent and displayed to the ...
As far as I know rescoping is evaluated on all OPEN pull requests. Recently I came to know that Bitbucket has introduced DRAFT state and READY FOR REVIEW state. I want to know, 1. Whether r...
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