I would like to scan the scerets for the existing repo. Since the secert scanning does the scan for new commits only? Atlassian Bitbucket v8.19.0
As per https://developer.atlassian.com/server/bitbucket/rest/v910/api-group-authentication/#api-access-tokens-latest-projects-projectkey-repos-repositoryslug-put There are several endpoints...
We used to be able to embed a Jira issue collector script in the Announcement Banner for Bitbucket (Add-On by Sweet Bananas) however, that add-on has become monetized and we are not playing along.&nb...
Hi, I am trying to run bitbucket on a VM and I have setup SSL certificates and other configuration and I am able to see my login screen. The moment I added my user and password, it redirect me to loc...
I'm using the api to list user keys and while there is at least 1 ssh key i get empty result. My use case is still for bitbucket server (DC) API curl -w "%{http_code}" -u "root:$BITBUCKET_ADMIN_TOK...
Hello, Since upgrading to version 9.0.0, we've encountered issues with the Bitbucket-Crowd SSO integration (Crowd SSO, not SAML), which was functioning seamlessly in version 8.9.0 and earlier. Has...
Is it possible to use ScriptRunner to update a related Jira ticket's fix version after a PR is merged? I guess that would be triggered on a post hook, filtering for pushes to certain types of branch...
Is the only difference between them that dynamically add will update when a PR is updated, while auto-add will only add when a PR is created? If using dynamically add, if the members of a ma...
Hi All, One of our customers is using Bitbucket server 4.12 Version, and they are planning to migrate it to DC or cloud soon. Now they want to cleanup some old list of projects from their instance,...
How to migrate Pull Requests with Comments and Attachments from Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server?
I was able to get all commits between 2 commit IDs from an existing branch. But for a new branch, the start commit is 0x0, and when using this API (https://developer.atlassian.com/server/bitbucket/re...
We have upgraded our bitbucket server to datacenter 8.19.5. We are getting issues with branches named config. I see on the server that there is a file called config in each repository. But this has n...
Other colleague pull requests got auto merged . We can see the entries. I can see his changes in subsequent branches but auto merge entries are not there as there was a delay or failure in auto merge...
Hi, I am going to write a hook to prevent users to push large files to bitbucket. Search and get the following guide: Hook Scripts (atlassian.com) I have setup the Atlassi...
Background: Our team needs a detailed statistics from all projects & repos in a single report. The plugins do not provide such data, so we’re considering fetching them through API calls or ...
Hi Team, We are from SonarQube Code Quality Team and we are using the below Bitbucket version. Atlassian Bitbcuket v8.9.7 As part of the Python Code Coverage, we are trying to identi...
In SourceTree, whenever I use Push, Pull, Fetch, etc. I get the "Connect to Bitbucket" pop-up screen at least 3 times. So I click "Sign in with your browser" another 3 times and it works, what can I ...
I am trying to automate creation of pull requests using bitbucket server apis. I am able to get the file content of a given file, modify the file. Create a new branch. But unable to commit t...
We recently moved our Jira to Jira Cloud. I set up the application tunnels with our 2 Bitbucket instances running on our servers. They show up as connected. The application links are also connected. ...
Hi Team, We are not able to find the our repository (Name: techrem/techremui) in stashblue, but using this URL we able to find (URL: http://stashblue.ms.com/atlassian-stash/projects/techrem_tec...
According to this overview, Code Insights include code coverage : https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver089/code-insights-1236435893.html But the rest api for Code Insights doesn't mentio...
Hi , I am using docker image to host Bitbucket server in a EC2 instance, When I am calling `api/latest/projects/projectKey}/repos` its not returning default branch in response. Even though there is d...
We are trying to migrate from bitbucket server to GitHub enterprise cloud . During the process we are getting the error " Renci.SshNet.Common.SshAuthenticationException: Permission denied (public...
In production, Twice in the last week, we got OOM. What is the default memory size that bitbucket start? We are using version 8.19 How to increase it?
Hi Team , Can I get all the commits made to a Bitbucket project to date as a JSON dump?
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