Can someone elaborately explain how I can use bitbucket runners for my CICD and how safe is the process? I somewhere found that the runners communicate to bitbucket on https, and I'm not clear of ho...
We are running bitbucket runners on kubernetes. Sometime pipelines are unable to download/upload maven cache, due to which build times increases significantly. [2024-05-20 08:47:11,877] Upda...
I've configured bitbucket custom runner for repository pipelines and everything works fine, instead of first task of pipelines: npm install . Complete caches are fetched correctly and I h...
I've added a self hosted runner and see that it works with bitbucket. So it is possible to write a meaningfull pipelines. And there comes an essential question: does the script defined in pipeline...
We are running a Windows based self-hosted runner. Out bitbucket-pipelines.yml contains one step: pipelines: default: - step: name: Build firmware runs-on: ...
Hi! I have read this article on how to configure a runner to use a proxy: The article shows how to use a...
Hi I use a self-hosted Windows runner for my pipeline. One of the steps is a python script that runs a compiler as a subprocess. If I stop the pipeline during compilation, the runner is unable to ...
Hi All, I am having a enterprise k8s cluster wherein I can't run pods in privileged more. In this case, I would like to know if we can deploy the BB runner that leverages kaniko...
Hello, I'm trying to connect an external docker runner (x86_64) to Bitbucket, I succeed in Linux Shell mode, but when I try to set up in docker mode the connection fails with the following exception:...
I am really desparate right now, because the runner seems to be very instable. It randomly throws the following error: [2024-03-26 08:42:54,961] Updating runner state to "ONLINE". [2024-03-26 08...
One of our pipeline steps is a `docker push` to a remote registry. The image has many layers. This upload could be faster if we could increase the `--max-concurrent-uploads` that `dockerd` is starte...
Hi all, I have a runner in my local environment. When the pipeline starts, they up a service when need to comunicate with a mongodb local instance. This instance of mongoDB is availabl...
Hi all! I'm traying to instantiate my eks (with fargate) cluster to deploy bitbucket autoscaler following this guide, but when i issue the apply command seems that one of needed pod won't ...
Hi, I've been using Windows Self-Hosted Runner. However, since today, the following logs appear and the Runner is currently offline. [2024-02-26 03:00:28,932] [d3a11005, L:/ - R:...
Hi, we're trying to integrate self-hosted runners in our pipeline. We want to have a pipeline, where some steps are running in the cloud and some others are running on the self-hosted runners. Now ...
Hey community I'm getting this error today on a self-hosted runner. Unable to pull image: Head \"
Hi all, First of all I am very new to the pipeline/runner and trying to make sure of it. I am currently having a PoC on self.hosted windows runner, however, the pipeline failed somehow When I try ...
Hi I would like to deploy new files to staging server automatically using a bitbucket pipeline. There won't be build or anything. So, I set up self-hosted runner on a staging server. I merged a code ...
When I disable my selfhosted (Windows 10) runner in Bitbucket, I get the following error. After that I need to restart the runner (hosted as a Windows Service) manually. The same error occurs when I ...
Hi Community, I would like to know if it is possible to configure the build setup step in a self hosted runner (Linux shell) ? I would like to completely remove the umask en chmod 777 from this step...
Hi, community, I have a pipeline with which I am trying to run the automated tests of my API suite, using the runner to run self-hosted on Windows and be able to establish a local connection with th...
We currently run 1 EC2 instance and have multiple Bitbucket Docker runners on it. Each Bitbucket runner allocates roughly 500MB of memory even when idle (we see allocation from a java process), and w...
I'm trying to run the Runner with the BITBUCKET_ACCESS_TOKEN variable as described in option 3, like in kustomize: 1.
Hi, I have an autoscale runner configured, but when the runner finishes running it does not descale or go ONLINE to run other pipelines or steps. The Runner executes, it stays ONLINE in the...
Hello, Is there a way to configure my Pipeline with a selfhosted-Runner to only manually run my Pipeline? According to I have t...
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