Hi, I trying Bitbucket-Pipelines but I got a problem with grunt. Here is my YML test file, image: node:5.11.0 pipelines: default: - step: script: - echo "This script runs o...
From the docs I see how to configure a pipeline for a branch. Is there a way to configure build steps based on a tag name or pattern? (ideally pattern)
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Bitbucket Pipelines integrations Hi, Does the Bitbucket Pipelines support an automated deployment to DigitalOcean? We are buildin a Ja...
I'm using the npm package dploy to put all my files onto an FTP server. It runs just fine when I run it in my windows or my linux machines however when it runs in pipelines the FTP Connection fails. ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Configure bitbucket-pipelines.yml Is there a way to disable pipelines for specific branches? Or, only enable for one specific branch? ...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Bitbucket Pipelines (beta) I'm wondering is pipelines support to build .net framework? I didn't see .yml config for .net. Please advise. &n...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Use Docker images as build environments in Bitbucket Pipelines I currently use Docker-Compose and have several Docker containers that I need...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Get started with Bitbucket Pipelines Everything I see is still for the cloud, has it been released for Bitbucket Data Center?
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Limitations of Bitbucket Pipelines (beta) Some of my builds on Bitbucket Pipelines are failing. I'm using Maven/Java, and oddly some o...
Hi, I am interested in a JIRA running on a Synology NAS. Eg. the DS112j. (Marvell Kirkwood mv6281</a> 1.0Ghz ARM (Marvell ARMADA 300)) Is it theoretically possible to run JIRA (+ JIRA...
Hi, after i push commits to BB, I'd like to use a post hook to update my production server on Mediatemple gridserver. I have attempted to do this and no luck. It is beyond me if its even possible (...
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