We have tried adding our endpoint but still event is pointing to https://app.datadoghq.com/event/event?id=7922052923552017607 not to https://us5.datadoghq.com/ Kindly provide su...
We have a nextjs project that we have added the recommended cache definition to: ``` definitions: caches: nextcache: apps/rc-next/.next/cache ``` However, this doesn't see...
I'm having an issue with Pipeline deployment. This is my `yml` file: pipelines: branches: staging: - step: name: Buil...
Hi, Is there a way to access code insight report generated after bitbucket dependency scan? I want to upload this insights report to artifact so that i can access in the next steps in the pi...
- step: name: Publish HTML to Google ucket script: - pipe: at...
I want to receive multiple options as parameters in Bitbucket Pipeline. When using a monorepo, it would be great if I could have an input field to select from the apps I specify. For example, it wo...
Hi folks, I'm using this for cloudfront invalidation but encountering this error. Does anyone have any ideas? docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for contain...
Hello All, I have a use case. I have two branches "stag" and "prod". The stag branch contains three files appspec.yml, buildspec.yml, commonfile.txt, and scripts folder. The prod branch also ...
I have a pipeline that do the following steps: 1. lint 2. test 3. collect coverage If there is downgrade in one of the coverage rate it should block the PR. otherwise it update the thresho...
Hi, using version 0.4.1 of renovate-scan, the pipeline works, but not with version 0.7.0. It is using the recommended configurations: options: docker: true siz...
Hello, I recently integrated the bitbucket-chatgpt-codereview:0.1.3 pipeline into one of our repositories. From my understanding, the agent submits to OpenAI the diff between two branches...
I tried to add fingerprints to the `.gitleaksignore` file but that does not work how do I have to get the fingerprints? I tried to run gitleaks command locally in my repo, but they have...
For the last year i have been using the ftp-deploy:0.7.1 pipe in bitbucket without issue. In an effort to better manage my server, i have recently created new SFTP users, so i updated my pipe to s...
Hello Team, I feel that " AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" mentioned in the bitbucket pipeline is a little disturbing. I accept that if the same pipeline is used for deploying ...
I have implemented the following pipe to clear pipeline caches, but it seems that this pipe clears all the caches by name, when I want it to just clear the current cache according to its file key: ...
Given the following pipeline definition: definitions: common-items: #https://stackoverflow.com/a/79179771 - initialize: &initialize | Import-Module ".\.bitbucket\Virto_Function...
Hello everyone! We are excited to announce the December update for the Jenkins to Bitbucket Pipelines Migration Tool, featuring enhancements that support a wider range of plugins! This imp...
The scp-deploy pipe's README.md, as it's first example, shows that the proper format for the EXTRA_ARGS command is a string: YAML Definition Add the following snippet to the script section of your&...
I am using Bitbucket to store the codebase for a pair of drupal sites that were designed by a 3rd party firm, which are hosted on Pantheon. I worked with the 3rd party to confirm that all proper SSH ...
Hello, I am trying to run the pipeline, thru bitbucket-pipeline.yaml file. The pipelines is failing to run a script even though the script is available in the location. see the screenshot for refer...
I've updated the fingerprints in the repository's setting section for ssh keys. (also remove the old ones). However, I have a step that rsyncs using ssh and it's throwing an error that the know...
A request to the maker: is it possible to update the docker image to contain a newer version of NodeJS? Currently it uses v12 which is of course quite old :(
I am running my playwright on edge,chrome,safari & firefox browsers using bitbucket pipeline. Some tests are randomly failing due to timeout sometimes on fiefox or chrome even though suff...
Hello fellow community members, The setup we have implemented as follows: We have Jira Cloud and Bitbucket Cloud. When we start a pipeline with deployment production a Jira Ticket is created and ...
Recently we've noticed significant time increase in our pipelines. It happens randomly, but the "Build setup" step can take even 20 mins, It seems to be stuck on `Downloading cache` step. We ...
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