Is there an option to indicate that you do not want the lines truncated? Or, a method for retrieving the entire line by other means? The response from the following example url, truncates the "text"...
hello, I have a dataset with alloys (Au-Ag or Au-Fe-Ni) and nano composites (Ag2O3/TiO2 or SiO2/Al2O3) and I wish to know how to encode or find the descriptors of these type of compounds using MAGPIE...
We are a team of 10 members where the group is tagged for approval and if one of the member approved this Pull request rest of the members are still seeing this as a pending even one appr...
Hi, We would like to explore the possibility of adding a trigger list for Pull Requests, allowing developers to select which builds to run. For instance, when a developer opens a Pull Request, they ...
i have JIRA (Cloud ) version and Bit bucket (data center edition) in my org. and it is also integrated . but in the branch creation is we are unable to mandate the jira id for establishing the linkag...
Just installed Bitbucket v9.3.1 created file these in the file: setup.baseurl=http://hostname:7990/bitbucket setup.license=<lots of letters, numbers of various type...
Hello, I am trying to move Bitbucket VMs with Bitbucket data from azure commercial to azure gcc high. Have anyone done this before? if yes, can you share how you completed this process?
So I have a CODEOWNERS file that looks like this: ------- * @@"Backend" @@"Frontend" **/*.js @@"Frontend" **/*.java @@@"Backend Check(@@"Globe Backend" >= 1) Check(@@"Globe Fro...
Hello, Bitbucket has an (for me) unwanted behaviour: When creating a pull request it checks how many commits were made. If only one it takes the commit message. When several commits it generates the...
We are trying to update a file using below API on our Data Center environment -
Hello, we have repositories which are marked as public. So viewing the code in the web ui or cloning it requires no login. Yet it is not possible to view the GIT history. It is displayed for a...
I have a script that, while performing a job on branch A, creates a branch from our master branch, makes some changes and then tries to add and commit those changes, before switching back to branch A...
New Install at the hostname:7990/bitbucket/setup after entering the: Database Type=PostgreSQL Hostname: localhost Port = 5432 Database name = bitbucket Database username: ...
i only find this in doc, but it not worker curl --request GET \ --url "http://{}/rest/api/latest/projects/{project_key}/repos/{slug}/commits/{commit_id}" \ --header 'Accept: applicat...
Hi Team, How to bypass "Okta" authentication for internal and service accounts in Bitbucket. We have Bamboo deployment scripts to be run on Windows server and part of the Deployment ...
Hierarchical tags (tags with slash in the name) in the format "group/version" (commonly used to group tags in "folders" within GUIs like SourceTree or SourceGit) are not displayed in the Bitbucket ta...
HI, In PR's diff view we don't see cases that the last empty line is deleted. Locally we can see that the empty last line was deleted but in Bitbucket we don't Any suggestion? Thanks in advance, ...
Dear Technical Support Team, We are currently using JIRA v9.12.3 and Bitbucket v8.19.13. After upgrading Bitbucket from v7.x to v8.19.13, we have encountered an issue where JIRA no longer displ...
whenever someone creates a PR or merge a PR , it should get notified in Teams channel using MS Teams workflow as ms team connector is going to deprecate.
Dear all, We need to evaluate bitbucket Data Center under our virtual machine running windows server 2022. From the download page, we are not able to find the Windows installer same as for Jira ins...
What's the recommended curl or post required to auth to curl https://bitbucket.<mycompany>.com/<uri to a file to download in automation> to download a file? We were using ...
hello In the current project I am using bitbucket server 7.1. A specific repository currently exceeds 2.6 GB I'd like to know gc work automatically default condition ( ex) when using more than 75...
1. I would like to change one project owner in bitbucket, and add my account to the owners. How should I do this? 2. I would like to check if bitbucket will be migrated to MCP, because I heard that ...
Hi, when I list the pull request for the project, i want to filter some of the users who created pull requests from the list. We have some automation users and they open lots of pull requests automat...
I am working on a jira plugin and i have a problem. I am trying to make an sql query with MAX(FIELD) and SUM() but the problem is that i tried to use them with find method which takes Query Object b...
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