I'm currently using the OnDemand SVN server, but I need to move to BitBucket. I've already selected the migration option and can log into BitBucket. When creating a repository I notice the option ...
When I initiate a pull request, bitbucket only gives me the option to do a non-fast-forward merge to bring changes in. Why is this? I can see why some people might like it that way, but it makes the...
Hi, Question for OnDemand JIRA product. I saw the video that enabled the user to switch from JIRA to BitBucket by simply clicking on the JIRA logo dropdown in the left corner. 1. I cannot see whe...
Hi, We have successfully linked the DVCS bitbucket connector and we can view our commits on the issue's "Commits" tab. The problem is that we do not get to work the smart commits feature. We are ...
We have reinstalled JIRA and the activity stream no longer shows BitBucket commits although some repositories are linked to our JIRA using the DVCS connector. What could be wrong? Or are only commits...
On the new BitBucket, I am following a couple of repositories (I am interested mostly on the team's repos) but I only see some commit by some people on my Newsfeed, not all commits by everyone. Is th...
When I clone a Git repo in Source Tree and make a commit and then go to Master branch to try and push my code to Bit Bucket, I get this error: 'git log' failed with code 128:'fatal: ambiguous argum...
I'm unable to activate the Use submodules option on any BitBucket repositories. This makes Bamboo not very useful for me, as all of my projects use Git submodules — if those submodules aren't updated...
I'm using Bitbucket to host a project and use a local JIRA server for issue tracking. All seems to work nice with the DVCS plugin, but the way the messages are displayed in the activity stream seems ...
Hi, I am using git (at bitbucket) as a source code repository. Since I could not make the git jenkins plugin run, I have set up a shell skript (on Linux Ubuntu) that checks out my source code from...
Hello, the company I used to work for had atlassian on demand (JIRA/Confluence/Crucible/FishEye+SVN) and I used to be able to perform crucible reviews on the source committed on SVN. I've selected ...
I'm trying to clone a working copy from BitBucket - via SourceTree - onto a local virtual machine file system, but I keep getting the same error: failed to import extension hgext.hgflow: No module ...
What network port does sourcetree use to connect to bitbucket using? I have a proxy on the network i am currently working on and would like to know which port to unblock to allow this connection t...
Is there a way to perform custom email notification routing in bitbucket similar to what github has? For example I have a personal email and a company email. In github, company repo notifications ...
I'm having trouble getting Bitbucket to trigger a Bamboo OnDemand build. I followed the documentation for setting up a Bamboo service from Bitbucket but it doesn't trigger the Plan to build. Bamboo s...
I'm migrating a client from bitbucket issue tracking, etc over to OnDemand. There weren't many issues so we did that largely by hand. There are quite a few wiki pages so we'd like to import them if...
Is it possible to configure the e-mail address used for notifications per team? I'd like to receive notifications about my company's repositories on my work e-mail, and notifications for my persona...
I'm trying to link a bitbucket repository with a project and I keep getting an error: Error! The repository url [https://bitbucket.org/me/repo] is incorrect or the repository is not responding. ...
Hello, I have installed the Jira DVCS Connection Plugin (v.1.0.3) and followed the instructons from here on how to link a github account. In my Manage DVCS Accounts (Administration > Plugins &...
We've just switched one of our accounts over to a team account and are wondering what you're recommended workflow is for private repositories. I found this comment on the blog post announcing tea...
I know I can reference a JIRA issue from a git commit which will create bidirectional links between the issue and the commit message. I would like to be able to affect the status of the issue (close ...
Is it possible to upload my own logo in place of the Bitbucket logo?
When I try the command $ git push origin I get the message "Everything up-to-date" but when I check my repository in Bitbucket I see the new verion of the code is not uploaded and there are no cahnge...
We are planning to run the following Atlassian Stack in EC2 Windows machine 1. Jira with Zephry, Greenhooper 2. Bamboo 3. Stash, Bitbucket, FishEye, Crucible and Clover Do any one have previo...
Using the command line, I can git remote prune origin to bring the list of remote branches up to date with the remote. I cannot find any way to do this in SourceTree. The branches have already ...
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