We're using the gitflow branching model. Is there a way to tell stash to auto-merge release/ branches into my develop branch? I've turned on the branching model settings and sent my development br...
I have installed the Automation Plugin yesterday and I am trying to specifically flag an issue that is Resolved but not Closed and hasn't been updated for more than a week and add a comment on it s...
Hello all; Is there a way in which i can integrate a jira project with bamboo plan. I want to create a jira issue automatically once the bamboo build fails for that plan. And also want to assign t...
Is there a way to disable the automatic update checks in Atlassian SourceTree in windows and which configuration paramterers are controlling that feature? We work in an environment where all softwa...
Here is what I have been tasked with. At the point of transition in the workflow if the date is 90, 120, 150 days past due then automatically update the priority. Here is the criteria: 1. If instal...
I'm using Jira Agile OnDemand and I have a sprint board with for columns. I would like all the issue transitioned from "In Progress" to "QA" to be automatically assigned to a specific user. Is that p...
Hello , I am trying to automate "creating jira issue" flow . I don't have admin access and i am using custom field for setting the values through JIRA CLI interface I have tried with the below ...
We have over 40 plugins in JIRA and it was becoming pain to install them frequently on test enviornments, so I tried to copy all the 40 jars from production environment to test environment under $JIR...
Does anybody know of a way to have Confluence read a Table (or spreadsheet) and create Team Calendar event entries per record in the table?
I am setting up bamboo to run automated test using selenium, cucumber. I am using a maven task that looks like this test mvn -Dcucumber.options="src/test/resources. running in to a few issues with ...
I would like to set the story points field to only accept 1,2,3,5,8,13 via a dropdown. Is that possible?
im working on creating and editing issues with API, looking for add issue components, what i am doing here passing array with selected component id's. this is my array array( 0 => '100...
My Requirment is as follows: Select Project Select Component On selecting component, Issue type should list only "Issue Type A" "Issue TypeB" & "Issue TypeC" Step 2 can be any field w...
Sorry to be slow... We've just been playing with Zephyr with the idea that an automated stack could be set up as follows: Zephyr plug-in for JIRA (write test cases linked to requirements) Zep...
How to perform regular automated backups of a JIRA OnDemand instance?
I m interested in the way the Atlassian Service-Wokrflow is working and the plugins you are using. Currently we try to buil automatic notifications and transitions so these are particulary interestin...
Star Date: Lost in Space I'm in the process of re-designing the structure of one of our spaces (an internal user manual used by the development team), I've also got to re-design the page layout and...
I wonder if there is the option to configure so that all sub-tasks are opened automatically if the pending parent is rejected.
Hi ! Is it possible to send my updated files without having to click on "commit" and "push" ? SourceTree can it automatically commit on bitbucket while there is not conflict ? Thanks
I would like to create an automated report for all JIRAs raised in a project. It will run monthly (the first of each month) and send an Excel spreadsheet by email. Is this possible?
Can the default behavior of the OnDemand system be implemented in the download version? I've already linked the applications but I cannot find a way to accomplish that. Do I need a plug-in? I've ...
Hello, We use a workflow for open points. Every user can create new issues, the next state is "checked by project leader". But when the project leader add a new issue, he will step over the state "...
Hi Is possible to go to another step in workflow when a user comment in issue? I see that in Atlassian Support if a issue is closed, if I comment, the issue is reopen... how can I do this? ...
I did the custom field tutorial. https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/Creating+a+Custom+Field+in+JIRA Basically my boss wants to sort by parrent and child issues. I figure this wi...
Hi everyone! I've created a custom field and I would like it to be set automatically to a User's Group by who reported the issue, so that if I'm a reporter in fx jira-developer group, the cust...
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