Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Hello, It appears Jira now no longer supports pre iOS 16. I have been trying to use the mobile web desktop version since I can no longer use the app. Now the web pages won’t load. Particularly, the a...
My account is managed by the administration, and we can't change the e-mail address. As a result, in the midst of several employees who no longer work for the company, we were unable to identify the ...
hoe kan dit gebeuren? mijn emailadres verandert van opreisieke@gmail.com naar opreisieke@gmail.com. dank
hoe kan dit gebeuren? mijn mailadres verandert van [redacted]@gmail.com naar [redacted]@gmail.com.
I would literally be embarrassed charging money for this bucket of glitches. It seems a high school student could have developed better software. I've seen all I need to. I'm done here. Customer as...
hi all I am using my Google account to authenticate to Trello. I never set a password to my account I want to set a dual verification mode in my account but the this page https:/...
What can I do??
I had a lot of history of request to JIRA ticket service over 2 years. but I haven’t been able to access any of history since some point of time. Also, I can't view the requests I recently submitted....
Hi, I invited a new user to bitbucket, unfortunately just before the users email address had been set up. This appears to have broken the entire email chain for that email address. For example, I ca...
apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: VolumeSnapshot metadata: annotations: snapshot.storage.kubernetes.io/pvc-access-modes: ReadWriteOnce snapshot.storage.kubernetes.io/pvc-storage-class: gp3...
I need access to the following Atlassian team account alightclientteams.atlassian.net.
I recently changed jobs and thus cannot log in to the account where I had built up a ton of accomplishments, badges, etc. Is there a way to recapture my progress without accessing the old company's S...
I need to enter a support ticket to configure SSO for a new platform we just purchased called 6Sense. I do not have access to Jira to enter a support ticket. What is the process to get ac...
i am trying to add login jira, but somehow not able to accsess
Most of the App Authentication has a lot of Shadow Uncertainty program Incident Happened is a treaty of you Privacy which is apart of lost And errors of the you t...
Olá Boa Noite! não consigo cancelar a exclusão
Hola quisiera saber que puedo hacer para hacer la conexión bidireccional entre ambas plataformas ya que levante un servidor en express usando node js y JavaScript incluso cree un webhook en jira para...
I am using same password but can not access the work that I have been doing . All lost now???
Under 'Personal settings', when I go to my 'Two-step verification' settings, the only option is to 'Enable two-step verification'. But I've already got it enabled. This looks to be a ...
mohon di bantu tidak bisa login jira
I need help to save my information so I can pass this information on to my teacher.
Hi Recently, our 4 accounts can't login in the Atlassian, it always shows: Due to multiple login attempts in a short period of time, we have temporarily locked your account for security reason...
Tenho duas contas, e gostaria de trocar os e-mails entre elas, ou seja, tirar de uma e passar para outra.
It is my first week.
Estou desesperada! Todos os meus quadros desapareceram.... Como faço para recuperar meus quadros? I'm desperate! All my paintings disappeared.... How do I recover my...
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