Hello, I'm developping an extension for Trello, but I can't find a way to know which ".checklist-item" goes with which ID in the API. The only thing I can think of is using trello.com/[T...
Hello, I can't find any "actions" API request that returns a 'deleteCheckItem' action. I tried '/boards/[id]/actions', '/cards/[id]/actions', I also tried '/checklists/[id]/checkItems' and some o...
Sorting is not working when I add sort url parameters. I am however able to get the list of branches without sorting. GET request: https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/{user}/{repo}/refs/b...
Hi! If I use rest api for "get issue" GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}. Depends on user prefered language to get issue.status.name or depends on something else? For example: If I have u...
i create a new issue type and i have no idea about how to associate it with a scheme using Jira's API i appreciate any help :)
I am using 'https://domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}' to edit an issue. I want to use the same API to change the status as well. While following works in edit with PUT m...
We want to create a record in the external (not JIRA) database based off of a field in a JIRA issue. It is a simple SQL statement that would take user information and add it to the external data...
I would like to use the JIRA API to progress the job status. I cannot find a definitive list of all transition IDs. I understand a request using e.g. /rest/api/2/issue/MY-REF-ID/t...
Hello, How can I update jira tempo plugin information (For example : tempo billing hours or work hours) via tempo api. I found some information about it here: https://tempoplugin.jira.com/wiki/d...
A similar question was asked a couple of years ago and there was apparently no way to do it, but is it possible now? If I make a REST API request like this: {"jql":"reporter = 'Justin Ellis'","f...
super.execute(); Space newSpace = new Space(); /*newSpace.setName(getNewKey()); UUID id = new UUID(1,1000); newSpace.setKey(getNewName()+id); try{ newSpace= spaceM...
Hi! curl -i -u mylogin:mypassword -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT 'https://yandexddd.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/DEMO-10/worklog/10204.json' --data "{\"started\":\"2013-02-1...
Is there a published API that exist for Jira/GEM? If so, please provide the details
Is there a way to use regex in JQL? If not, is there a way to use a wildcard character at the begining of a string? When I use the following to match any issues that contain "Citrix", I recieve the ...
Hi Everyone, I'm running into a seemly simple issue: I can't find the base URL of my JIRA instance. Now, I try to make calls to: https://jira.inside-company.net/rest/api/2/issue/ISSUE-645 o...
API Jira pleaaaaase
I am creating a issue in jira using API method createIssue. I am getting this error "com.atlassian.jira.rpc.exception.RemotePermissionException: The project specified does not exist or you don't h...
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