As title says; Will this workwith the onDemand version of Jira? It would solve a lot of our issues :) Thanks! Martin
Hi, Have been evaluating the JETI plugin this last week, but have been unsuccessful in actual sending the email. The following are snippets from an issue, monitored with templates / notifications...
We have bought the JIRA Email This Issue plugin, and we would like to know how to set it up so closed issues gets reopened when the customer sends an email.
Hi We are evaluating the plug in but two features will be great. 1. Ability to write CC and TO fields to a custom field 2. Ability to put a regular expresion to cut the import of the mail to no...
Is it possible to add a BCC field to the form 'Email This Issue'? Also, currently I can click on 'Send mail with me as a sender', but is it possible to add a field that would allow me to type in ...
Hi, I have installed JETI 5.1.3 into JIRA 5.2.1 I am missing the email-this-issue.vm files in the catalog <tt>$JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/templates/email/html.</tt> ...
Hi all, We have the latest version of the JETI (Jira Email This Issue) plugin. In the atlassian-jira.log file, we see loads of the below line making us really difficult to read some important log i...
What options exist to pull the address in the "From" header of an email message and storing that field into a custom field, a field that can then be used in the notification scheme so that non-JIRA u...
Hi Team... I am facing a problem enabling the evaluation version of a plugin "Email This Issue" It gives an error "The Plugin failed to enable. License may be Invalid" But the License details a...
The documentation says: "The operation will be displayed for all issues in all projects, unless you specify a Project Role with the name IssueMailSender and assign users to it in your projects." ...
When using the Email This Issue functionality,. our users are reporting that the subject field is being duplicated or doubled. For example, I sent myself an email from a JIRA ticket (titled New...
In previous version ( 1.9.2) when emailing an issue, checkbox for reporter, assignee etc was avilable. How do i get the checkboxes back in v5.1.2. User picker is fine but it is more convinient f...
We are using the JETI plugin for Jira to let our users send issues via email. Jira is used as a support desk and will for some issues replace the to-and-fro via Outlook since we are encouraging the u...
Hi, I am using "Email This Issue Plugin" version 5.1.1. On the configuration window, it' possible to configure recipient exclusions. I configure it for several groups but when i want to try, the us...
Hi, We are using JIRA to send maintenance emails to the entire company. Since all actions are sent to everyone, we've restricted the comment section to administrators only. The thing is that people...
Hi, I use the plugin Email This Issue and when i write an email, in the "Recipients" fields, i can choose all my jira's users... I would like to restrict the visibility of the Recipients fields ...
I purchased a license, after the evaluation license had expired. The plugin also had an update that i applied at the same time. The license was automatically applied after the purchase, but the plu...
Email This Issue Plugin won't load. I just see a message "This plugin could not be loaded by the plugins system. It has one or more errors which prevent it from being enabled." How would I debug t...
We have a strange problem with the JETI plugin on our production system (Jira 5.0.1 with JETI 5.0.4). While sending emails from the site and workflows works well there are no comments with the sent...
How can I set EmailThisIssue sending HTML-Mails automatically for all Users?
I am the leader of a project and am also a system administrator in Jira. We want to set up an interactive whiteboard session where people can move tasks around on the whiteboard. However we will use ...
How can I put a pre-written template for the body in the email this issue plugin? e.g. always append the current user's signature and telephone number, etc.
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