A gathering place for the notes from Thursdays event. :)
Hi there. My name is Kaji , AUG leader at Tokyo. I wold like to share you our activity. We have a meeting AUG at Tokyo last week. 第24回 Tokyo Atlassian ユーザーグループ @eureka #augj at ...
Доброго времени суток, дорогие жители Рунета. Уже 2 года активно живут и развиваются сообщества пользователей Atlassian в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. За 2 года мы выросли из участников первой вс...
Summary アトラシアンユーザミーティングTokyoの第23回です。 Sushi Party! Event Page https://aug.atlassian.com/accounts/dashboard#/chapter-42/event-1396/manage Speaker 大規模利用されているConfluenceのバージョンアップについて by Yusuke U...
Summary アトラシアンユーザミーティングの第22回です。 AtlassianよりJIRA PortfolioのPM Roiさんをお招きしての開催となりました。 Event Page https://aug.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-tokyo-presents-di-22hui-tokyo-atlassian-yuzagurupu...
Hello, I recently attended a great AUG (Atlassian Users Group) in Vancouver. I was curious as to whether or not anyone has started anything like this in Alberta, specifically Calgary or Edmonton?&nb...
I keep getting popups for "Git Credential Manager for Windows" whenever SourceTree is running. Pretty sure the credentials for all the repositories I have open are already in SourceTree as I can upd...
This is just one of many meetups we've had. This particular event was during the meetup when Jay Simons presented via Skype to a couple of AUG Groups at the same time. Looking forward to...
Hi there! As the spring is coming back to our little country, we decided to throw another Atlassian User Group gathering together! More details are coming soon but if you're living in Belgium, be ...
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