Happy Wednesday Everyone!
This is one of those fun question I used to enjoy asking in interviews. I wasn't using it as a means to make sure that the person said they were passionate about the job we were hiring for. I liked asking it to learn a bit more about what people were truly passionate about.
So my wonderful friends! I'm going to ask this one to all of you. If money was not a concern. What would you be doing? Working a dream job? Traveling the world (well maybe not just yet)? Turning a hobby into something more?
I'll get things started. I'm very passionate about the Atlassian products. I'm also very involved in the Extra Life community (i.e charity gaming for children's hospitals). I believe if I money wasn't a concern I would spend more of my time using tools like Bitbucket, Trello & Confluence to help me raise even more funds for Extra Life. There are definitely some extensions I would love to code and deploy via bitbucket, but I don't have a lot of free time to make much progress on them.
I'd love to hear what the rest of you would be doing in the comments! Have a great rest of the week!
I would buy a large piece of land and open a dog foster/rescue!
Or my own private island.
I would also donate a lot of money to animal rescues.
If earning money wasn't something I had to do then I would start to travel through parts of the US that I haven't seen yet. I would also take my daughters, my husband and my 2 grandkids to
visit Europe with all of them. I would also take my family to Bermuda for a relaxing vaca.
Thanks for another wonderful Wednesday post, @Jimmy Seddon !
If money and time were not the restricting factors, I would definitely like to travel all over US and Europe with my wife and 2 kids. My wife and daughter are more passionate about traveling than me. So, I would be more than happy to fulfill their wishes.