Welcome Wednesday: How's Everyone Doing?

Jimmy Seddon
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June 9, 2021

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to another wonderful Wednesday!

I'm going to be honest with you all, it's difficult to come of with something new and engaging every single week.  So, from time to time you will see posts like this one.

We all have various things going on in our lives, so I thought I'd take a second to check in with everyone and see how people are doing?

Feel free to post a reply or simply a gif that describes how you are doing.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!



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Jimmy Seddon
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June 9, 2021
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Jimmy Seddon
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June 9, 2021
John Funk
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June 9, 2021

Seems like a donut kind of day

King Kong Donut.png

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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June 9, 2021

that's my kind of donut!

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Jimmy Seddon
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June 9, 2021

I don't know what it is, when it comes to donuts, I prefer simple:


Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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June 9, 2021

Hæ @Jimmy Seddon Thanks for this post.

Doing ok but a bit like:

Hope you are well!

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Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck
June 9, 2021

I've made that face about once a month the last four months or so when they bring out new covid guidelines and people can go to the theatre, and church and have parties, but I still can't go to the gym without applying for a time slot beforehand and my work schedule makes no allowance for that. :| 

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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June 9, 2021

Hahahaha, too funny @Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck  I agree, so hard to keep up with all the changes in these guidelines. And keep them straight! Was it this week or last that... Was it 10 or 20? ...

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Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck
June 9, 2021

@Kristján Geir Mathiesen  Yeah, next change is 16th of June and I suspect it is so they can say people can go downtown and celebrate on the 17th. :p (but I'm not too hopeful that I'll get to go to the gym *cries)

Jimmy Seddon
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June 9, 2021

I agree, I've been using that same expression.  9/10 times it's because it's the easiest response.

Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck
June 9, 2021

I finally got fed up with sitting at my sofa table to work in my tiny apartment so I bought a shelfing unit and redesigned it as a "five level office" :p Now I just need a proper chair. :p 


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Jimmy Seddon
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June 9, 2021

I love the creativity @Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck!

Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck
June 9, 2021

@Jimmy Seddon Thank you. There is an Icelandic saying that goes: Hardship teaches the naked woman to spin. :p The budget is pretty tight around here so we're used to improvising. :p
(The wall behind my "office" is a wall we built in our apartment. It splits the living room in half and gives the kid his own room cause there is only one de facto bedroom). 

Taranjeet Singh
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June 10, 2021

@Jimmy Seddon Thanks for this post.

I am just trying to find sometime since last couple of weeks to get some rest (but no success so far :-)) since it has been a lot of sleepless nights with my newborn baby.

But yes, I am enjoying this new phase of life too.


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How are you doing?

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