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Printing response using rest assured

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January 4, 2022

Hi, recently i started learning rest assured and I encounter strange behaviour.

Basically I created request to create boards with default param on defaultLists = true, then added another request to read from board and finally simple print to see response - every time on single print I get two identical prints of two list containing same items.

String boardName = "Board without lists";

Response creationResponse = given()
.queryParam("key", key)
.queryParam("token", token)
.queryParam("name", boardName)
.queryParam("defaultLists", true)

JsonPath jPathPost = creationResponse.jsonPath();
idBoard = jPathPost.get("id");

Assertions.assertEquals(boardName, jPathPost.get("name"));

Response getResponse = given()
.queryParam("key", key)
.queryParam("token", token)
.get(url + "/" + idBoard + "/lists")


Any idea why on console I receive two same lists? Checked on postman with same request and i got normal response with one list.


Thanks in advance!

1 answer

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Nicolas Grossi
June 18, 2024

@Lobsang welcome! Is this question still "active" ?



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