I honestly like the way the mobile app is . The way the desktop version is. I am also a big fan that it is a blank canvas and my imagination is limitless. Hopefully that just made sense.
Love seeing posts like this.
Trello is no longer the new kid on the block or the coolest kid in class (that seems to be going to Notion and Airtable these days) but longevity is so much better than 15 minutes of fame...
Trello has been around for so long because it has stayed true to its core and quite honestly there is very little you can't do with it. I hope you continue to enjoy and to come here any time if there are things you are unsure of or if you want to do some crazy things with it. Its a blank canvas so your imagination is the limit
Yes i think that is one reason i like it so far. Like i get on it and get lost sometimes.